Grevillea armigera
Grevillea armigera, also known as Prickly Toothbrushes, is an erect shrub or tree which is endemic
Endemic (ecology)
Endemism is the ecological state of being unique to a defined geographic location, such as an island, nation or other defined zone, or habitat type; organisms that are indigenous to a place are not endemic to it if they are also found elsewhere. For example, all species of lemur are endemic to the...

 to the south-west of Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...

. The species was first formally described by Swiss botanist Carl Meissner
Carl Meissner
Carl Daniel Friedrich Meissner was a Swiss botanist.Born in Bern, Switzerland on 1 November 1800, he was christened Meisner but later changed the spelling of his name to Meissner. For most of his 40 year career he was Professor of Botany at University of Basel...

 in 1856.

It is a prickly-leafed shrub which grows to a height of between 1 and 3.6 metres. Its flowers mostly appear from early winter to late summer (June to February in Australia). These are grey, green, or pale yellow (occasionally flushed pink) with contrasting black to blackish maroon styles.

The species occurs in heath or shrubland in the northern wheatbelt region between Buntine
Buntine, Western Australia
Buntine is a small town located in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia, about north of Perth, the state capital, along the Great Northern Highway within the Shire of Dalwallinu.The name Buntine was first used in 1910 as the name of a nearby hill...

 and Dowerin
Dowerin, Western Australia
Dowerin is a town and shire located north-east of Perth in the central Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.-History:In 1906 the government extended the railway from Goomalling to the developing Dowerin Agricultural Area and decided to develop a townsite at the terminus...

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