Glen Glacier
Glen Glacier is a glacier
A glacier is a large persistent body of ice that forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years, often centuries. At least 0.1 km² in area and 50 m thick, but often much larger, a glacier slowly deforms and flows due to stresses induced by its weight...

 at least 7 nautical miles (13 km) long, flowing south in the Shackleton Range
Shackleton Range
The Shackleton Range is a mountain range in Antarctica. Rising to , it extends in an east-west direction for about between the Slessor and Recovery glaciers....

 to join Recovery Glacier
Recovery Glacier
The Recovery Glacier is a glacier flowing west along the southern side of the Shackleton Range in Antarctica. First seen from the air and examined from the ground by the CTAF in 1957, it was so named because of the recovery of the expedition's vehicles which repeatedly broke into bridged crevasses...

 to the west of Read Mountains
Read Mountains
Read Mountains is a group of rocky summits, the highest 1,830 m, lying east of Glen Glacier in the south-central part of the Shackleton Range. First mapped in 1957 by the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition and named for Professor Herbert H. Read, Chairman of the Scientific Committee and...

. First mapped in 1957 by the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition
The 1955–58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition was a Commonwealth-sponsored expedition that successfully completed the first overland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole...

 and named for Alexander R. Glen, member of the Committee of Management of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1955-58.
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