Gisela Gamper
Gisela Gamper is an experimental photographer and videographer. Gisela Gamper performs using improvisational video in the multimedia duo, See Hear Now with her husband David Gamper
David Gamper
David Gamper is an American composer He has been a member of Pauline Oliveros's Deep Listening Band and the duo See Hear Now. -References:...

. She collaborated with the 60x60
60x60 is a collection of 60 electroacoustic or acousmatic works from 60 different composers/artists, each work 60 seconds or less in duration. 60x60 project showcases sixty new works, each sixty seconds or less, by sixty composers in a continuous sixty minute concert, for a one-hour cross-section...

project in 2005. Gisela currently lives in New York City.

External links

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