Gazelle City
"Gazelle City" is a single released by The Pillows
The Pillows
The Pillows are a Japanese rock band. The group has released more than a dozen original studio albums, along with several EPs, singles and compilations...

 on February 26, 2006. Both, A-side and B-side
A-side and B-side
A-side and B-side originally referred to the two sides of gramophone records on which singles were released beginning in the 1950s. The terms have come to refer to the types of song conventionally placed on each side of the record, with the A-side being the featured song , while the B-side, or...

 are remix
A remix is an alternative version of a recorded song, made from an original version. This term is also used for any alterations of media other than song ....


Track listing

  1. "Gazelle City (The Atomic Age)"
  2. "Sayonara Universe (Spacy Baroque)"
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