Gary Jacobs (writer)
Gary Jacobs is an American television comedy writer and producer. He was executive producer of Empty Nest
Empty Nest
Empty Nest is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from 1988 to 1995. The series was created as a spin-off of The Golden Girls by creator and producer Susan Harris. For its first three seasons, Empty Nest was one of the year's top 10 most-watched programs...

 and creator/executive producer of Woops!
Woops! is an American post-apocalyptic sitcom that aired on the Fox network from September 27 to December 6, 1992.-Synopsis:The series centered around the six survivors of a world nuclear holocaust. The six of them live together in an abandoned farm house while trying to survive and re-establish...

and All-American Girl. He also wrote for Newhart
Newhart is a television situation comedy starring comedian Bob Newhart and actress Mary Frann as an author and wife who owned and operated an inn located in a small, rural Vermont town that was home to many eccentric characters. The show aired on the CBS network from October 25, 1982 to May 21, 1990...

and many other sitcoms and variety shows.

In 2010, he published his first novel, Still Life With Genitals.

Jacobs published Out of My Mind: A Collection of Essays, Short Stories, and Other Silly Things in 2011.

External links

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