Gainjeonmokdan is a Korean court dance (called jeongjae 정재 in Korean
Korean language
Korean is the official language of the country Korea, in both South and North. It is also one of the two official languages in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in People's Republic of China. There are about 78 million Korean speakers worldwide. In the 15th century, a national writing...

) ,and literally means "beautiful people plucking peonies". This jeongjae was initiated and arranged by Hyomyeong Seja (Crown Prince
Crown Prince
A crown prince or crown princess is the heir or heiress apparent to the throne in a royal or imperial monarchy. The wife of a crown prince is also titled crown princess....

 Hyomyeong) in 1829 to please his father, King Sunjo
Sunjo of Joseon
Sunjo was the 23rd king of the Korean Joseon Dynasty.He was born His Royal Highness Prince Yi Gong, the 2nd son of King Jeongjo by his concubine, Lady Subin....

. Gainjeonmokdan was first recorded in Mujajinjak uiqwe (무자진작의궤) in 1828.

In performance, peonies in a large vase for a prop are placed in the center of the stage, and then female dancers from divided two groups anticipate the flowers as moving around the vase. Dancers pick a peony one by one, and then dance in a calm movement.


Changsa (창사 唱詞) is verses of the accompanying song for dance or other performing arts. It is used for gainjeonmokdan
Changsa Translation
만떨기의 꽃이 피어 궁궐을 비추는데 (萬朶先開照殿紅) The blossoms of a thousand of flowers shed light on the palace,
붉은 꽃 노란 꽃은 시샘하듯 영롱해라 (姚黃魏紫妬玲瓏) So splendid are red flowers, yellow flowers as if one envies.
새로 만든 옥피리는 청평악을 울리고 (新飜玉笛淸平樂) The new-made jade piri
The piri is a Korean double reed instrument, used in both the folk and classical music of Korea. It is made of bamboo. Its large reed and cylindrical bore gives it a sound mellower than that of many other types of oboe....

resounds cheongpyeongak,
향기로운 꽃잎에는 나비들이 날아드네 (別樣仙香樸蝶風) Butterflies fly around the fragrant flower petals.

External links

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