François de Porchères d'Arbaud
François d'Arbaud de Porchères was born in Brignoles
Brignoles is a commune in the Var department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in southern France. It is a sub-prefecture of the department.It was the summer residence of the counts of Provence...

 in the French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 department of Var, on the 20th of December 1590 and died in Burgundy on the 5th of May, 1640. He was a French poet.


From the province in which he was born, he went to Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

 to study poetry under François de Malherbe
François de Malherbe
François de Malherbe was a French poet, critic, and translator.-Life:Born in Le-Locheur , his family was of some position, though it seems not to have been able to establish to the satisfaction of heralds the claims which it made to nobility older than the 16th century.He was the eldest son of...

, who left him half of his library in his will, the other half went to Racan..

He was the other of many works, of which others have since published in modern anthologies. He was often confused with Honorat de Porchères Laugier
Honorat de Porchères Laugier
Honorat de Porchères Laugier was a French poet. He is most notable for his sonnet on the beautiful eyes of Gabrielle d'Estrées and for being a founder member of the Académie française.-External links:*...

, who was also a member of the Académie Française
Académie française
L'Académie française , also called the French Academy, is the pre-eminent French learned body on matters pertaining to the French language. The Académie was officially established in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister to King Louis XIII. Suppressed in 1793 during the French Revolution,...


In 1634, he became one of the first twenty members of the Académie française
Académie française
L'Académie française , also called the French Academy, is the pre-eminent French learned body on matters pertaining to the French language. The Académie was officially established in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister to King Louis XIII. Suppressed in 1793 during the French Revolution,...

. Despite a pension of £600 that the Cardinal Richelieu bestowed upon him, he lived all of his life in relative poverty.


Nature, prête-moi tes plus noires couleurs,
Fournis, pour mon tableau, le sang d'une panthère,
Le venin d'un dragon, le fiel d'une vipère,
D'un crocodile enfin, et l'écume et les pleurs.

Je veux peindre, aujourd'hui, l'artisan des malheurs,
Le lion, le serpent, le monstre sanguinaire,
Qui nous fit tous mortels, en tuant notre père,
Et, par lui, nous causa d'éternelles douleurs.

Il nous ouvrit la voie aux éternelles flammes,
Et ce bourreau cruel et des corps et des âmes,
Détruisit, d'un seul coup, le bonheur des humains.

C'est à toi-même, ô Dieu ! que Satan fit outrage.
L'Homme est ta ressemblance et l'œuvre de tes mains :
Venge l'Original, en sauvant son image.


Nature, lend me your darkest colours,
Provide, the blood of a panther for my table,
The venom of a dragon, the bile of a viper,
Finally a crocodile, and bubble up its tears.

Today, I want to paint the artisan of sadness,
The lion, the snake, the bloodthirsty monster,
Who makes us all mortal, in killing our father,
And by his, causes us eternal hardships.

He opened us to the path of the eternal flames,
And the cruel executioner and the bodies and the souls,
Destroyed, in one blow, the happiness of humanity.

It's you, yourself that Satan outrages,
Man is your resemblance and the work of your hand:
Punish the original, by saving his image.


  • Le Rosaire de la Ste Vierge (1627)
  • Paraphrase des Psaumes graduels. Par Franc̜ois d'Arbaut, escuyer, sieur de Porcheres (1633)
  • Au Roy Ode (1633)
  • Ode à monseigneur le cardinal duc de Richelieu (1636)
  • Les Pseaumes de la pénitence de David, mis en vers français par Fr. Porchères d'Arbaud (1651)


  • Premier recueil de diverses poésies tant du feu sieur de Sponde
    Jean de Sponde
    Jean de Sponde was a Baroque French poet.- Biography :Born at Mauléon, in what is now Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Jean de Sponde was raised in an austere Protestant family in the Basque region of France with close relations with the royal court of Navarre...

     que des sieurs Du Perron, de Bertaud
    Jean Bertaut
    Jean Bertaut , French poet, was born at Caen.He figures with Philippe Desportes in the disdainful couplet of Boileau on Ronsard:"Ce poëte orgueilleux, trébuché de si haut,Rendit plus retenus Desportes et Bertaut."...

    , de Porchères et autres, non encor imprimées, recueillies par Raphaël Du Petit Val
    (1603) Texte en ligne
  • Le Parnasse des plus excellens poëtes de ce temps published by Mathieu Guillemot (1618)
  • Rimes de d'Arbaud-Porchères, éditées pour la première fois avec ses notes scientifiques et un fac-simile de son écriture By Philippe d'Arbaud-Jouques (1855) Texte en ligne
  • Six sonnets du dix-septième siècle By Saint-Amant, Sarrazin, Porchères d'Arbaud, Théophile de Viau
    Théophile de Viau
    Théophile de Viau was a French Baroque poet and dramatist.Born at Clairac, near Agen in the Lot-et-Garonne and raised as a Huguenot, Théophile de Viau participated in the Protestant wars in Guyenne from 1615-1616 in the service of the Comte de Candale. After the war, he was pardoned and became a...

     and Des Barreaux], ou Tableau des humeurs françoises environ l'an de grâce 1650, agrémenté de figures et d'ornemens inventés et gravés sur bois par le sieur Maximilien Vox (1923)
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