Fortunius may be
  • a Latin patronymic
    • Cassius Fortunius, son of Fortunato count of Borja
      Borgia (CZ)
      Borgia is a town and comune in the province of Catanzaro, in the Calabria region of southern Italy.The ancient city of Scylletium was located in the frazione of Roccelletta of Borgia.-References:...

       (b. 685)
  • a given name
    • Fortunius Licetus (1577-1657)
    • a character in Philodoxus by Leon Battista Alberti
  • other
    • Papilio fortunius, a species of Papilio
    • Fortunio (novel), a 1836 novel by Théophile Gautier
      Théophile Gautier
      Pierre Jules Théophile Gautier was a French poet, dramatist, novelist, journalist, art critic and literary critic....

    • Fortunio (opera)
      Fortunio (opera)
      Fortunio comédie lyrique or opera in 4 Acts and 5 tableaux by composer André Messager. The French language libretto by Gaston Arman de Caillavet and Robert de Flers is based on Alfred de Musset's comedy Le Chandelier. A stage work in the opéra comique tradition, the opera contains some spoken...

      , a 1907 opera by André Messager
      André Messager
      André Charles Prosper Messager , was a French composer, organist, pianist, conductor and administrator. His stage compositions included ballets and 30 opéra comiques and operettas, among which Véronique, had lasting success, with Les p'tites Michu and Monsieur Beaucaire also enjoying international...

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