Feyli (tribe)
The Feylî, Fayli, Faili or Faylee is a Kurdish tribe. The Faylee Kurds are ethnic groups of ancient peoples of the Middle East, who are part of the Kurdish people. They lived in the land of Kurdistan, which was divided between Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

The Faylee Kurds who lived in an area called the Elam, This area is between western Iran and eastern Iraq, which includes the plateau Loristan. Loristan was one of the first place who had known civilization, this civilization is known Al Elamia one of the mothers of the Sumerian civilization.

The Faylee Kurds contributed to the modern era in the formation of civilizations. They were the builders of Baghdad, where the traders of the Faylee Kurds were distinguished.

The Faylee Kurds faced harsh suppression campaigns and frightening at the time of the rule of Saddam Hussein regime. The families and civilian citizens were deported by force from Iraq. Large numbers of them had been deported in the early eighties to Iran. Most of the families had been looted. Their money and property had been confiscated their papers and personal identities had been taken from them; the Iraqi government had ceased thousands of youth and then killed them without trial. These young people are still unaccounted and no one knew about their death till now. Their deaths become a secret.
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