Felice Feliciano
Felice Feliciano, is a city in the Veneto, northern Italy, with approx. 265,000 inhabitants and one of the seven chef-lieus of the region. It is the second largest city municipality in the region and the third of North-Eastern Italy. The metropolitan area of Verona...

 1433 - Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

 1479). Fifteenth century calligrapher, composer of alchemical sonnets, and expert on Roman antiquity, especially inscriptions on stone. He lived just long enough to see printing arrive in Italy. He was the first to recreate geometrically the alphabet of Roman inscriptions
Roman square capitals
Roman square capitals, also called capitalis monumentalis, inscriptional capitals, elegant capitals and quadrata, are an ancient Roman form of writing, and the basis for modern capital letters....

, in 1463. The original copy of his treatise on the geometrical construction of Roman capital letters using the square and circle is preserved in the Vatican library
Vatican Library
The Vatican Library is the library of the Holy See, currently located in Vatican City. It is one of the oldest libraries in the world and contains one of the most significant collections of historical texts. Formally established in 1475, though in fact much older, it has 75,000 codices from...

 (Codex Vat. lat. 6852). In 1470 while in Bologna
Bologna is the capital city of Emilia-Romagna, in the Po Valley of Northern Italy. The city lies between the Po River and the Apennine Mountains, more specifically, between the Reno River and the Savena River. Bologna is a lively and cosmopolitan Italian college city, with spectacular history,...

 as Vicario di Castel San Giorgio he became acquainted with Sabadino degli Arienti
Sabadino degli Arienti
Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti was an Italian humanist, author and poet. He worked as a secretary for Count Andrea Bentivoglio. His most famous work Novelle Porretane is a collection of sixty-one tales in imitation of Boccacio's Decameron...

, that mentioned him in his III and IV Porretane. He started printing in 1476 in Poiano, near Verona
Verona ; German Bern, Dietrichsbern or Welschbern) is a city in the Veneto, northern Italy, with approx. 265,000 inhabitants and one of the seven chef-lieus of the region. It is the second largest city municipality in the region and the third of North-Eastern Italy. The metropolitan area of Verona...

. In 1478 traveled to Rome, visiting his friend Francesco Porcari.

Monotype's Felix Titling (1934) is based on a 1463 alphabet of Feliciano.

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