Evolutionary guidance media
Evolutionary guidance media (EGM) is an emergent discipline offering a paradigm for the design of conscious media, green media, socially responsible media, and transformative media, arising from the convergence of ideas derived primarily from the fields of systems science
Systems science
Systems science is an interdisciplinary field of science that studies the nature of complex systems in nature, society, and science. It aims to develop interdisciplinary foundations, which are applicable in a variety of areas, such as engineering, biology, medicine and social sciences.Systems...

, humanistic and transpersonal psychology
Transpersonal psychology
Transpersonal psychology is a form of psychology that studies the transpersonal, self-transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human experience....

 and integral theory
Integral Theory
Integral Theory is a philosophy posited by Ken Wilber that seeks a synthesis of the best of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern reality. It claims to be a "theory of everything," and offers an approach "to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of...



Research in evolutionary guidance media began at Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
Saybrook University, a San Francisco, California based 'distance learning' institution , is geared to providing a personalized, mentored educational experience for graduate students...

 by Dana Klisanin under the guidance of systems' scholars Bela H. Banathy
Béla H. Bánáthy
Béla Heinrich Bánáthy was a Hungarian linguist, systems scientist and a professor at San Jose State University and UC Berkeley. Bánáthy was the founder of the White Stag Leadership Development Program whose leadership model was adopted across the United States...

, his son Béla A. Bánáthy
Béla A. Bánáthy
Béla Antal Bánáthy is an American systems scientist, who teaches part-time at the International Systems Institute at the Saybrook Graduate School.- Biography :...

, and Stanley Krippner
Stanley Krippner
Stanley Krippner is an American psychologist, and an executive faculty member and Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University in San Francisco...

, a distinguished scholar in the field of consciousness research and a leader in the transpersonal psychology
Transpersonal psychology
Transpersonal psychology is a form of psychology that studies the transpersonal, self-transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human experience....


Evolutionary guidance media is defined as "media designed both in content and context specifically for the purpose of guiding and/or facilitating the societal emergence of transpersonal consciousness – specifically planetary consciousness" (Klisanin, 2005). Planetary consciousness is “the knowing as well as the feeling of the vital interdependence and essential oneness of humankind, and the conscious adoption of the ethics and the ethos that this entails” (Ervin Laszlo
Ervin László
Ervin László is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. He has published about 75 books and over 400 papers, and is editor of World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution...

, 1997, p. 143).

The evolutionary guidance media framework was designed using a generic blueprint for the creation of evolutionary guidance systems as described by Bela H. Banathy
Béla H. Bánáthy
Béla Heinrich Bánáthy was a Hungarian linguist, systems scientist and a professor at San Jose State University and UC Berkeley. Bánáthy was the founder of the White Stag Leadership Development Program whose leadership model was adopted across the United States...

 (1996, 2000). Evolutionary guidance systems are systems designed such that human beings can take responsibility and control for their own evolutionary processes. Evolutionary guidance media includes input from ten interactive dimensions: social action, economic, wellness, moral, learning and human development, aesthetic, scientific, technological, political, and environmental. These areas are not value neutral but rather value-laden (geared toward promoting a more just and equitable quality of life for all beings). The collection and use of such data is an integral aspect of the research, design, and production of evolutionary guidance media.


Fundamental to the design of evolutionary guidance media is the concept of transception, a term coined by Klisanin (2005) that posits the pairing of compassionate-seeing/action with that of cyberception, or humankind’s rapidly advancing technological abilities.

The core values of evolutionary guidance media include "the promotion of values that support conscious evolution, planetary consciousness, transpersonal experiences, and superconscious learning. These include but are not limited to being-values, compassion, love, personal and social responsibility, creative altruism, peace and conflict resolution skills, gender and racial diversity" (Klisanin, 2005).

Drawing heavily upon research in systems science, specifically evolutionary guidance systems as well as integral, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology, evolutionary guidance media was developed because of the perceived need for a method of rapidly advancing human consciousness due to the problematic conditions (environmental and social) confronting the global society.


Evolutionary guidance media has led to research in the area of digital altruism (Klisanin, 2009) and exploration of a new form of heroism: "cyberheroism," and delineation of a new archetype: the "cyberhero" (Klisanin, 2010).

Klisanin's application of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory
Integral Theory
Integral Theory is a philosophy posited by Ken Wilber that seeks a synthesis of the best of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern reality. It claims to be a "theory of everything," and offers an approach "to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of...

 to evolutionary guidance media, along with Kaplan's research in Integral Cinema has resulted in a new area of research, "Integral Media" (Klisanin, 2010; Kaplan, 2010).

Evolutionary guidance media has been featured in a special issue of the journal "Futures" on "Global Mindset Change," and is listed as a form of "Positive Futures Media" by the World Futures Studies Federation
World Futures Studies Federation
The World Futures Studies Federation is a global non-governmental organization that was founded in 1973 to promote the development of futures studies as an academic discipline.- History :...


External Links

USA Today, Feb 4, 2011, "Are Football Stars Really heroes, or just famous?"

USA Today, Feb 9, 2011, "Celebrities: Modern heroes or merely famous?"

World Futures Studies Federation
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.