European Technology Platform Nanomedicine
The European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETP Nanomedicine) is a European Technology Platform initiative to improve the competitive situation of the European Union
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...

 in the field of nanomedicine
Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials, to nanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology. Current problems for nanomedicine involve understanding the issues related...

, the application of nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with developing materials, devices, or other structures possessing at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometres...

 to medicine
Medicine is the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness....



An important initiative, led by industry, has been set up together with the European Commission. A group of 53 European stakeholders, composed of industrial and academic experts, has established a European Technology Platform on nanomedicine. The first task of this high level group was to write a vision document for this highly future-oriented area of nanotechnology-based healthcare in which experts describe an extrapolation of needs and possibilities until 2020. Beginning of 2006 this Platform has been opened to a wider participation (December 2006: 150 member organisations) and has delivered a so-called Strategic Research Agenda showing a well elaborated common European way of working together for the healthcare of the future trying to match the high expectations that nanomedicine has raised so far.

Policy Objectives

  • Establish a clear strategic vision in the area resulting in a Strategic Research Agenda.
  • Decrease fragmentation in nano-medical research.
  • Mobilise additional public and private investment.
  • Identify priority areas.
  • Boost innovation in nanobiotechnologies for medical use.


Three key priorities have been confirmed by the stakeholders:
  • Nanotechnology-based diagnostics including imaging.
  • Targeted drug delivery and release.
  • Regenerative medicine.


Dissemination of knowledge, regulatory and IPR issues, standardisation, ethical, safety, environmental and toxicity concerns as well as public perception in general and the input from other stakeholders like insurance companies or patient organisations play an important role.
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