Eric Bakovic
Eric Bakovic is a linguist
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics can be broadly broken into three categories or subfields of study: language form, language meaning, and language in context....

 and associate professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, San Diego with a specialization in phonology
Phonology is, broadly speaking, the subdiscipline of linguistics concerned with the sounds of language. That is, it is the systematic use of sound to encode meaning in any spoken human language, or the field of linguistics studying this use...

; he is also affiliated with the Center for Research on Language (CRL), the Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science, and the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies (CILAS). He earned his BA in 1993 in linguistics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and completed his PhD under the supervision of Alan Prince
Alan Prince
Alan Sanford Prince is a professor of linguistics at Rutgers University. Prince, along with Paul Smolensky, developed Optimality Theory, which was originally applied to phonology, but has been extended to other areas of linguistics such as syntax and semantics...

 at Rutgers in 2000 (with the dissertation Harmony, Dominance and Control).

Bakovic has made contributions to the study of phonology in Optimality Theory
Optimality theory
Optimality theory is a linguistic model proposing that the observed forms of language arise from the interaction between conflicting constraints. OT models grammars as systems that provide mappings from inputs to outputs; typically, the inputs are conceived of as underlying representations, and...

 (OT), particularly in the areas of assimilation, opacity, and efforts to replace rule-ordering systems with ones that comply with the monostratal architecture of OT.

He is a regular contributor to the Language Log
Language Log
Language Log is a collaborative language blog maintained by University of Pennsylvania phonetician Mark Liberman.The site is updated daily at the whims of the contributors, and most of the posts are on language use in the media and popular culture. Google search results are frequently used as a...

and is the recipient of the UCSD Distinguished Teaching Award. He also manages the Rutgers Optimality Archive.

External links

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