Energy field disturbance
Energy field disturbance is a nursing diagnosis
Nursing diagnosis
A nursing diagnosis may be part of the nursing process and is a clinical judgement about individual, family, or community experiences/responses to actual or potential health problems/life processes...

 listed by NANDA
NANDA International is a professional organization of nurses standardized nursing terminology that was officially founded in 1982 and develops, researches, disseminates and refines the nomenclature, criteria, and taxonomy of nursing diagnoses...

 (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) that is rooted in energy medicine
Energy medicine
Energy medicine is one of five domains of "complementary and alternative medicine" identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States...

 and alternative medicine
Alternative medicine
Alternative medicine is any healing practice, "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine." It is based on historical or cultural traditions, rather than on scientific evidence....



According to NANDA, energy field disturbance is defined as the disruption of the flow of energy, or aura, surrounding a person's being that results in a disharmony of the body, mind, and/or spirit.

Defining characteristics

  • Perception of changes in movement
  • Perception of changes in sounds (tone or words)
  • Perception of temperature change (warmth or coolness)
  • Perception of visual changes (image or color)

Nursing intervention

According to NANDA, the recommended way to respond to energy disturbances is to explain the benefits of practices such as therapeutic touch
Therapeutic touch
Therapeutic touch , also known as Non-Contact Therapeutic Touch , is an energy therapy which practitioners claim promotes healing and reduces pain and anxiety. Practitioners of therapeutic touch state that by placing their hands on, or near, a patient, they are able to detect and manipulate the...

 and then to administer this care to the client.


Critics of alternative medicine and energy field theories point out that the alleged benefits of therapeutic touch
Therapeutic touch
Therapeutic touch , also known as Non-Contact Therapeutic Touch , is an energy therapy which practitioners claim promotes healing and reduces pain and anxiety. Practitioners of therapeutic touch state that by placing their hands on, or near, a patient, they are able to detect and manipulate the...

 are not supported by any scientific evidence. This is reflective of the general trend of NANDA and other nursing organizations to lean toward postmodern
Postmodernism is a philosophical movement evolved in reaction to modernism, the tendency in contemporary culture to accept only objective truth and to be inherently suspicious towards a global cultural narrative or meta-narrative. Postmodernist thought is an intentional departure from the...

approaches to nursing care, and away from the scientific, biological approach—a trend that may not provide scientifically reliable care for the patient.
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