Encyclopedia of American Biography
Encyclopedia of American Biography, a biographical encyclopedia
An encyclopedia is a type of reference work, a compendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge....

, by John A. Garraty
John A. Garraty
John Arthur Garraty was an American historian and biographer. He specialized largely in American political and economic history....

 (ed.) and Jerome L. Sternstein (assoc. ed.)

This encyclopedia, published by Harper & Row in 1974, "is more than a storehouse of information....It is also a compendium of informed opinion intended to aid readers who want to know the whys, not merely the whats, about the significant figures of our history."

After the summary of each life which sticks to the facts, follows an article "...attempting to explain why the individual is notable
Notable can refer to:* the property of a thing having notability* A Notable is a member of the Assembly of Notables, an assembly called by the king of high-ranking notables.* A Wikipedia guideline Wikipedia:Notable...

and to provide some sense of what he or she was like as a human being."
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