Edoxaban is an anticoagulant
An anticoagulant is a substance that prevents coagulation of blood. A group of pharmaceuticals called anticoagulants can be used in vivo as a medication for thrombotic disorders. Some anticoagulants are used in medical equipment, such as test tubes, blood transfusion bags, and renal dialysis...

 drug which acts as a direct factor Xa inhibitor
Direct factor Xa inhibitor
Direct factor Xa inhibitors are a class of anticoagulant drugs which act directly upon Factor X in the coagulation cascade, without using antithrombin as a mediator.-Clinical uses:Direct factor Xa inhibitors are being used clinically...

. It is being developed by Daiichi Sankyo. In animal studies, edoxaban is potent, selective for factor Xa and has good oral bioavailability, but it has not been approved for use in humans.

Several Phase II clinical trial
Clinical trial
Clinical trials are a set of procedures in medical research and drug development that are conducted to allow safety and efficacy data to be collected for health interventions...

s have been conducted, for example for thromboprophylaxis after total hip replacement (phase III early results compare well to enoxaparin
Enoxaparin is a low molecular weight heparin marketed under the trade names Lovenox and Clexane, among others. It is an anticoagulant used to prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, and is given as a subcutaneous injection...

), and for stroke
A stroke, previously known medically as a cerebrovascular accident , is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This can be due to ischemia caused by blockage , or a hemorrhage...

 prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia . It is a common cause of irregular heart beat, identified clinically by taking a pulse. Chaotic electrical activity in the two upper chambers of the heart result in the muscle fibrillating , instead of achieving coordinated contraction...

(phase III has completed enrollment).
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