EMECU is an acronym for Magnetical-Spiritual School of Universal Commune (Escuela Magnetico Espiritual de la Comuna Universal). Founded in Buenos Aires in 1911 by a Basque philosopher named Joaquín Trincado Mateo
Joaquín Trincado Mateo
Joaquín Trincado Mateo was a Spanish philosopher. In 1911, he founded the Magnetical-Spiritual School of Universal Commune in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is fundamentally based on the study of "eternal and continuous life", mainly contained in its "Light and Truth Spiritism".- Youth and Family...

,(formerly electrician), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The EMECU blended the philosophical ideals of Spiritism
Spiritism is a loose corpus of religious faiths having in common the general belief in the survival of a spirit after death. In a stricter sense, it is the religion, beliefs and practices of the people affiliated to the International Spiritist Union, based on the works of Allan Kardec and others...

, supported on its own philosophical doctrines; synthesized on 14 published books (yet 44 or more written by Joaquín Trincado Mateo
Joaquín Trincado Mateo
Joaquín Trincado Mateo was a Spanish philosopher. In 1911, he founded the Magnetical-Spiritual School of Universal Commune in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is fundamentally based on the study of "eternal and continuous life", mainly contained in its "Light and Truth Spiritism".- Youth and Family...

, that still remain unpublished), whose contents defined the essential structure of universal life and development of men social organization beginning from creation until now, over perfect conjunction with universe and its laws, reflected on universal solidarity. Rejecting not only capitalism
Capitalism is an economic system that became dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. There is no consensus on the precise definition nor on how the term should be used as a historical category...

 but also Bolshevik Communism. Joaquin Trincado defines communism founded on 'Truth and Light Spiritism' which asserts that religions are enemies of progress and withholds the chance of freedom of thought; that there is the existence of spirit, which is the most essential part of life, and reason for eternal and undefined progress of mankind. EMECU (or MSS of UC) philosophical approach states from the social point of view, that human society will arrive to a stage of perfect commune as effect of a natural and progressive process of natural development of humanities over an infinite universe.
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