Dolores Labs
CrowdFlower was founded in 2007 by Lukas Biewald
Lukas Biewald
Lukas Biewald is an entrepreneur living in San Francisco, California. Biewald is CEO of CrowdFlower — an Internet company that breaks large digital projects into small tasks and distributes them to workers around the world — which he co-founded in December 2007 with Chris Van Pelt.- Background...

 to create tools to manage internet crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is the act of sourcing tasks traditionally performed by specific individuals to a group of people or community through an open call....

. Crowdsourcing is ideal for large-scale, repetitive yet hard to automate tasks which require an always-on, scalable workforce to rapidly complete.

To demonstrate the power of crowdsourcing, CrowdFlower created facestat, to show how a simple task can be quickly outsourced around the world.


CrowdSifter for content moderation tasks like tagging nude images or obscenities.


CrowdFlower, is a general-purpose crowdsourcing app that allows customers to upload their own tasks to be carried out by users of labor channels such as Amazon Mechanical Turk
Amazon Mechanical Turk
The Amazon Mechanical Turk is a crowdsourcing Internet marketplace that enables computer programmers to co-ordinate the use of human intelligence to perform tasks that computers are unable to do yet. It is one of the suites of Amazon Web Services...

, TrialPay
TrialPay is an alternative e-commerce payment system that works according to the “Get It Free” payment model, in which consumers get an item for free from a participating merchant by completing an offer – buying or trying out a product or service – from a TrialPay advertiser.The company...

, and Samasource
Samasource is a nonprofit organization that brings dignified, computer-based work opportunities to people living in poverty around the world. The organization's mission is based on the belief that poverty can be alleviated by tapping into the brainpower of the poor and empowering them as producers...

 (a social entreprise that connects women, youth, and refugees in the poorest parts of the world to microwork). Small payments are paid per completed tasks, typically a few cents per task.
CrowdFlower was nominated for the TechCrunch50
TechCrunch50 was a conference held at the Design Center Concourse in San Francisco, California on September 14-15, 2009, hosted by TechCrunch and Jason Calacanis. Its aim was to find the best Web 2.0 start-ups and launch them in front of the industry's most influential venture capitalists,...

 in September, 2009.


CrowdFlower was founded as "Dolores Labs" in 2007 by Lukas Biewald—former member of Yahoo!
Yahoo! Inc. is an American multinational internet corporation headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, United States. The company is perhaps best known for its web portal, search engine , Yahoo! Directory, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Groups, Yahoo! Answers, advertising, online mapping ,...

's search relevance team and the senior scientist of the ranking and metrics team at Powerset (acquired by Microsoft) — and Chris Van Pelt, a web engineer. The founding investor was Gary Kremen
Gary Kremen
Gary Alan Kremen is an entrepreneur who founded personals site, and registered several premiere domain names in the early days of the internet, including,, , and

, the founder of is an online dating company which reportedly has more than 20 million members, made up of a 49/51 male/female ratio, and Web sites serving 25 countries in more than 8 different languages. Its headquarters are in Dallas, Texas and the company also has offices in West Hollywood, Tokyo, Rio,...

 and is an Internet domain name and web portal currently owned by Clover Holdings LTD. The domain name was the focus of one of the most publicized legal actions about ownership of domain names...



After the 2010 Haiti earthquake
2010 Haiti earthquake
The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake, with an epicentre near the town of Léogâne, approximately west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time on Tuesday, 12 January 2010.By 24 January, at least 52 aftershocks...

CrowdFlower's technology made it possible to route thousands of text messages to the proper aid workers, to get them translated quickly, and to ensure that the people sending the texts had the best chance of getting what they needed. Once CrowdFlower's technology was implemented, the average time to translate, map, geocode, and categorize a text fell to less than two minutes.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.