Dissolution (novel)
Dissolution is a fantasy novel by Richard Lee Byers# It is the first book of the ##War of the Spider Queen## hexad, based on the ##Forgotten Realms## setting of the ##Dungeons & Dragons## ##fantasy## ##role-playing game###

Plot summary

    1. Pharaun Mizzrym|Pharaun## and ##Ryld Argith|Ryld## journey to a tavern, where Ryld plays sava #a chess-like game# while Pharaun goes to the basement, where various female ##Drow #Dungeons & Dragons#|drow## captives are available for males to do with as they see fit with# Pharaun talks with one of them who reveals the na#e of several elopers# While he is there, Ryld is attacked by other males whom he has taught# Afterwards, the two companions talk about the quest and decide the males are eloping because of the unusually harsh rule of the females in the last few weeks# Pharaun reveals that he has reason to believe that Lolth is gone and as such the females cannot use divine spells anymore, and are limited to scrolls and magic items# Ryld, though sceptical at first, eventually believes him#

They learn of an uprising among the lower class creatures led by a mysterious prophet, and decide to pretend that they support the elopers# They kill a group of Drow to prove their "dedication" to the cause and are reluctantly taken in# They learn that the mastermind behind the rebellion is an evil ##illithid## ##Lich #Dungeons & Dragons#|lich## #called an "alhoon" or an "illithilich"#, and that when he sends a mental signal, all the lower creatures will attack#

While this is all happening, ##Gromph Baenre## is sending various demons to attack ##House Baenre#Quenthel Baenre|Quenthel Baenre##, all taking the guise of various aspects of Lloth, e#g# a demon ##spider##, a demon of chaos, a ##darkness## demon, and others# While this happens, a group of students at ##Arach-Tinilith## decide that Lloth is disfavouring Quenthel, and resolve to kill her# She learns of this plan and has the offending students killed#

Another subplot involves an ambassador from the neighbouring city of ##Ched Nasad## being refused the right to leave by ##Triel Baenre### She eventually attempts to leave and is stopped by a traitor in her household# She then escapes the city, but is caught and taken to Triel# She realizes someone has turned Triel against her and is tortured by ##House Baenre#Other members of House Baenre|Jeggred Baenre##, Triel's ##draegloth## son#

Eventually the lower races get the signal to rebel# Pharaun escapes from the Illithid and gathers the forces of Menzoberranzan to fight# A battle ensues, where much of Menzoberranzan is marred# At the end, the general populace realizes the weakness of the priestesses, and Pharaun, Ryld, Quenthel, Jeggred, and the ambassador, ##Faeryl Zauvirr##, are sent to Ched Nasad to see if they are also afflicted#

Characters in Dissolution

  • '##Pharaun Mizzrym##' – is a mage from ##House Mizzrym### He is charismatic and is a fine example of a drow mage - well dressed, eloquent, and never left standing on one foot# He employs a variety of tools to get the job done - ##Magic #paranormal#|magic## and subterfuge are the two most often seen, but he will not hesitate to make a deal with a ##whore## or murder seven apprentices to gain power# He is often contrasted with Ryld Argith, but the two share a steadfast friendship that is somewhat shaken at the end of the book#

  • '##Ryld Argith##' – is a master warrior at ##Melee-Magthere##, the warrior school of the Drow# He is often blunt and appears slightly uncultured compared to his companion Pharaun# This is largely attributed to the fact that, unlike Pharaun, he was born a commoner and not an aristocrat# However he has managed to rise up and maintain a respectable position# He enjoys a good friendship with Pharaun Mizzrym that is built upon their differences# He joins Pharaun to look for missing males in the beginning of Dissolution#

  • ##House Baenre#Gromph Baenre|Gromph Baenre## – is the ##Archmage## of the Drow city, and is thought to be one of the most powerful wizards alive# He is the first character we are introduced to in the book, and he is one of the last we leave# He has a deep feud with his sister Quenthel, and sends many demons to attack her throughout the course of the book#

  • ##House Baenre#Quenthel Baenre|Quenthel Baenre## – is the High Priestess of ##Arach-Tinilith### She is vicious and is left highly strung by the disturbance among the females of the Drow# She disagrees with Gromph on most subjects, and when they advise their mother, or more recently, their sister, they disagree on all topics they are asked for their opinions on#

  • ##House Baenre#Triel Baenre|Triel Baenre## – is the newly-instated head of ##House Baenre### She didn't ask for the seat of her mother, but she got it anyway# She is relatively short for a Drow and is highly sensitive to this# When she is stuck for advice she asks her siblings, Gromph and Quenthel# Because they always offer different arguments, this allows her to see two perspectives of each scenario, giving her significant insight# Recently, however, she has been a bit out of contact with them#

  • ##House Zauvirr#Faeryl Zauvirr|Faeryl Zauvirr## – is the ambassador of ##Ched Nasad## from the House Zauvirr#

Major themes

One of the major themes of the book is the constant struggle between the houses of the Drow, and their inherent chaos and evil that is such a powerful contrast to our society today# The quote from the very first page sums it up: Evil, like chaos, is one of the fundamental forces of Creation, manifest in both the macrocosm of the wide world and the microcosm of the individual soul# As chaos gives rise to possibility and imagination, so evil engenders strength and will# It makes sentient beings aspire to wealth and power# It enables them to subjugate, kill, rob and deceive# It allows them to do whatever is required to better themselves with never a crippling flicker of remorse#

The book contrasts the Drow society with ours today# A running theme is the way the Drow treat the lesser races - one Drow is seen as ripping pieces of flesh from the ribcage of a still-living goblin to feed his pet# But it is the uncaring, almost casual way that the Dark Elves do this that contrasts so harshly with our world#

Another contrast is the matriarchal Drow society# The book's main plotline of the eloping males is caused by the vicousness of the stronger, higher ranking females# This is similar to hyena society#

Release details

  • 2002, US, Wizards of the Coast ISBN 0-7869-2714-3, Pub date 31 July 2002, hardback #First edition#
  • 2003, US, Wizards of the Coast ISBN 0-7869-2944-8, Pub date 1 August 2003, paperback
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