Density slicing
Density slicing is a digital data interpretation method used in analysis of remotely sensed
Remote sensing
Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon, without making physical contact with the object. In modern usage, the term generally refers to the use of aerial sensor technologies to detect and classify objects on Earth by means of propagated signals Remote sensing...

 imagery to enhance the information gathered from an individual brightness band. Density slicing is done by dividing the range of brightnesses in a single band into intervals, then assigning each interval to a colour. For example, in a black-and-white thermal image
Infrared thermography, thermal imaging, and thermal video are examples of infrared imaging science. Thermal imaging cameras detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum and produce images of that radiation, called thermograms...

 the temperature values in the image can be split into bands of 2°C, and each band represented by a colour of the spectrum
A spectrum is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum. The word saw its first scientific use within the field of optics to describe the rainbow of colors in visible light when separated using a prism; it has since been applied by...

. Therefore the temperature information in the image can be analysed more easily because the differences between the colours are greater than the black and white and therefore it is easier to analyse the data contained in the image.

Density slicing is sometimes referred to as "double threshold".
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