Deluge and After (album)
Deluge and After is the eighth studio album by SCH
SCH (band)
SCH is the musical and artistic project and band of Senad Hadžimusić, who is better known by his nickname Teno. Formed in the early-eighties in Sarajevo, the band has had an intensive creative and live existence...

, released in 2006.

It is the third album in SCH's most recent phase, which began in 2002. Mirza Gazibegović (INFO magazine) notes how it "...conjures up images of industry
Industrial rock
Industrial rock is a musical genre that fuses industrial music and specific rock subgenres. Industrial rock spawned industrial metal, with which it is often confused...

, noise
Noise rock
Noise rock describes a style of post-punk rock music that became prominent in the 1980s. Noise rock makes use of the traditional instrumentation and iconography of rock, but incorporates atonality and especially dissonance, and also frequently discards usual songwriting conventions.-Style:Noise...

 reminiscent of factory machines, music created for robots of the future, robots capable of assimilating sound waves, capable of enjoying music."

The album features hypnotic rhythms, guitar segments, and vocal interpretations which, according to Samir Šestan, illustrate techno
Techno is a form of electronic dance music that emerged in Detroit, Michigan in the United States during the mid to late 1980s. The first recorded use of the word techno, in reference to a genre of music, was in 1988...

bereft of pathos, "...blending diverse interests and creatively reinterpreting numerous musical genres."

Selvedin Avdić (Start BiH) finds the album more accessible than other SCH works: "The guitar even has a likeable, danceable, almost funky tone on some tracks here. Their miniature DJ set tracks 130 and Long Night at Roxy even whisk us to a bizarre SCH discotheque."

Track listing

External links

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