Deep Fried Film Fesitival
The Deep Fried Film Festival is an independent
Independent film
An independent film, or indie film, is a professional film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major film studio system. In addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies, independent films are also produced...

 Film Festival
Film festival
A film festival is an organised, extended presentation of films in one or more movie theaters or screening venues, usually in a single locality. More and more often film festivals show part of their films to the public by adding outdoor movie screenings...

 that takes place every July in Lanarkshire
Lanarkshire or the County of Lanark ) is a Lieutenancy area, registration county and former local government county in the central Lowlands of Scotland...

, Scotland
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the...


Birth Of The Deep Fried Film Festival

Festival Director, Martin Greechan, conceived the Deep Fried Film Festival in 2005. Martin was teaching a full time media
Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via any audio visual medium. Receiving parties may include the general public or a relatively large subset of thereof...

 course for fps media charity
Charitable organization
A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization . It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centers on philanthropic goals A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization (NPO). It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centers on philanthropic goals A...

 in Motherwell when he had the idea of screening the students’ work under the banner of The Deep Fried Film Festival. The night was a success and Martin took to his bosses Peter Waddell and Laura Jarvie the idea of a full-blown international festival that would showcase films from around the world and help to stimulate the film industry in Lanarkshire and its surrounding areas. FPS media passed on the idea saying it would be too time consuming, non-financially viable and not generate any interest. Disillusioned by this feedback Martin set out to prove them wrong and set up the site Within two weeks of being up the festival had received its first submission "Botch" from Dublin, many followed and this was before the festival had been announced to Martin's employers. The festival is now in its fourth year, receives international press, has grown year on year.

The Deep Fried Film Festival hopes that it inspires not only filmmakers but also anyone who has been told they can't follow a dream to go out and prove people wrong. Martin Greechan has since left fps media and is currently working full time for Deep Fried Film promoting independent cinema.


The festival shows a range of films from around the world and screens not only feature
Feature film
In the film industry, a feature film is a film production made for initial distribution in theaters and being the main attraction of the screening, rather than a short film screened before it; a full length movie...

 length films and documentaries, but also shorts, animations and music videos. Established in 2006, it was designed to be an egalitarian forum for anyone with the drive to produce a film and give them the opportunity to show their work on the big screen. Submission fees are kept low to encourage grassroot filmmakers as well as professionals, in direct contrast to the Edinburgh International Film Festival
Edinburgh International Film Festival
The Edinburgh International Film Festival is an annual fortnight of cinema screenings and related events taking place each June. Established in 1947, it is the world's oldest continually running film festival...

 (EIFF), which the festival director felt was discouraging filmmakers with their submission charges.

Deep Fried Festival Mission Statement

The Deep Fried Film Festival aims to develop the talent and skills of filmmakers, by encouraging better practises amongst filmmakers and increasing relationships between filmmakers and production organisations. By involving the local community, raising awareness of independent film and creating film making opportunities the Deep Fried Film Festival intends to help filmmakers get access to necessary practical and theoretical resources, filmmakers realise their abilities and promote themselves to a larger audience.

Deep Fried Film seeks to provide an annual film festival as well as the set up of informal network/support groups to fulfil its aims. Any profits generated by the Deep Fried Film Festival shall be put back into the promotion and development of independent filmmakers.

2007 Awards

2007 Golden Fritter
A fritter is any kind of food coated in batter and deep fried. Although very similar to a doughnut it differs in the fact that it requires some base ingredient beyond the dough it is cooked with.-Anglo-American fritters:...


Pomme de terre : Codehunters

Fish Supper : Tommy The Kid

Sausage Supper : Carl's Angels

Haggis is a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' , minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours. Most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a casing rather than an actual stomach.Haggis is a kind...

: What Happens to the Innocent?

Black Pudding Supper : The Long Man

Chip Buttie : A Shot in the West

Chips & Curry
Curry is a generic description used throughout Western culture to describe a variety of dishes from Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Thai or other Southeast Asian cuisines...

Sauce : Fen

Chips & Cheese : My Lucky Day


In 2010 the festival celebrated its fifth year and showed 121 films over a two-week period. The festival was run on a budget if £2,000 and raised money for NSPCC, Marie Curie, Mary's Meals, The Conforti Institute and St. Andrew's Hospice.

Celebrity Endorsements

Mark Millar
Mark Millar
Mark Millar is a Scottish comic book writer, known for his work on books such as The Authority, The Ultimates, Marvel Knights Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, Civil War, Wanted, and Kick-Ass, the latter two of which have been adapted into feature films...

"Growing up in North Lanarkshire, film festivals always seemed like
something we only ever saw on TV as a location report from Barry
Norman. The idea of one on our doorstep like the Deep Fried Film
Festival is incredibly exciting, not just for aspiring film-makers,
but for anyone with an appreciation of movies in general. So many of
us grew up thousands of miles from where the action seemed to be
happening, but now it's taking place five minutes away."

Billy Boyd (actor)

"That's sounds great. I'll definitely check it out."


The festival is sponsored by several local business including Copycare Services, a local print and design company, North Lanarkshire Council, Papercrane Media, L107, a local radio station and Reeltime Music, a community music charity.

External links

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