DePace & Juster
DePace & Juster was an architectural firm established in 1923 by architects Anthony DePace and Samuel Juster
Samuel Juster
Samuel Juster, AIA, was a minor American architect who practiced in mid-20th-century New York and New Jersey.-Early life and education:...

, who met while working at the firm of Alfred C. Bossom in the late 1910s. Juster left Bossom and DePace left the firm of Cass Gilbert
Cass Gilbert
- Historical impact :Gilbert is considered a skyscraper pioneer; when designing the Woolworth Building he moved into unproven ground — though he certainly was aware of the ground-breaking work done by Chicago architects on skyscrapers and once discussed merging firms with the legendary Daniel...

 in 1923 to create the partnership, which had a number of commissions for schools, places of worship, institutions and hospitals from Roman Catholic and Jewish clients. DePace was responsible for the Catholic commissions and Juster worked on those for Jewish clients. The firm ceased activities during the Great Depression
Great Depression
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s...

in the 1930s. The firm continued in practice until 1947 when the partnership was dissolved. Juster claimed in 1956 that the practice was established in 1925 and disestablished in 1948.
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