David Thomas (born 1813)
David Thomas was an English preacher and publisher of The Homilist, a magazine of liturgical thought..

The son of William Thomas of Hopsill, also a preacher, Thomas was born near Tenby, Pembrokeshire and started life in a commercial career, in which he achieved a rapid success. Thomas was already giving his Sundays to preaching, and was prevailed upon to give up his business prospects in order to devote himself wholly to the ministry.

Unselfish and noble acts are the most radiant epochs in the biography of souls.

P. 4.

Amusements are to religion like breezes of air to the flame; gentle ones will fan it, but strong ones will put it out.

P. 12.

How free from every thing like art were the reasonings and language of Christ.

P. 63.

A great man, I take it, is a man so inspired and permeated with the ideas of God and the Christly spirit as to be too magnanimous for vengeance, and too unselfish to seek his own ends.

P. 293.

Every sinful act is another cord woven into that mighty cable of habit, which binds the spirit to the throne of darkness.

P. 296.

The Divine government of the world is like a stream that rolls under us; men are only as bubbles that rise on its surface; some are brighter and larger, and sparkle longer in the sun than others; but all must break; whilst the mighty current rolls on in its wonted majesty!

P. 403.

The life of a godly man is like a river, not like a stagnant pool or a dead sea. It is ever in motion, sometimes sparkling in the sunbeam, and sometimes shivering in the clouds; sometimes chanting through scenery as beautiful as Eden, and sometimes moaning through districts of miserable desolation; sometimes clear as the day, and sometimes black as the night. Still it is ever moving to its ocean destiny — progress is its law, infinitude is its home.

P. 566.

Truth does not require your painting, brother; it is itself beauty. Unfold it, and men will be captivated. Take your brush to set off the rainbow, or give a new tinge of splendor to the setting sun, but keep it away from the "Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley."

P. 606.
