David Baird (author)
David Baird is a composer
A composer is a person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition, for interpretation and performance, or through direct manipulation of sonic material through electronic media...

 and theatre director who has published books on a wide range of subjects including film, art, Shakespeare, and spirituality.

He was on the production staff of the Welsh National Opera
Welsh National Opera
Welsh National Opera is an opera company founded in Cardiff, Wales in 1943. The WNO tours Wales, the United Kingdom and the rest of the world extensively. Annually, it gives more than 120 performances of eight main stage operas to a combined audience of around 150,000 people...

 and Drama Company
He was co-founder/director of Cardiff Lab Theatre, and Artistic Director of Doppelganger Theatre and Handspan Theatre Australia. He is Musical Director with MakeBelieve ArtsMakeBelieve Arts
MakeBelieve Arts
-The Organisation:MakeBelieve Arts is a theatre and education company and social enterprise based in Deptford, London. The company uses theatre techniques within education to deliver creative, interactive workshops that reflect, support and enhance the curriculum, whilst encouraging lifelong...

for touring shows: "The Lorax", "Gulliver's Travels" and "The Woman Who Cooked Everything".


  • A Thousand Paths Sourcebooks, Inc. (April 1, 2000), ISBN 9781570715266
  • Shakespeare at the Globe, Spruce Books, 1998, ISBN 9781840720389
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