Dances with Dogs
"Dances with Dogs" is the 131st episode of King of the Hill
King of the Hill
King of the Hill is an American animated dramedy series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on Fox network. It centers on the Hills, a working-class Methodist family in the fictional small town of Arlen, Texas...

, and the 5th episode of the 7th season. On Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network is a name of television channels worldwide created by Turner Broadcasting which used to primarily show animated programming. The channel began broadcasting on October 1, 1992 in the United States....

 and Fox TV
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Broadcasting Company, commonly referred to as Fox Network or simply Fox , is an American commercial broadcasting television network owned by Fox Entertainment Group, part of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Launched on October 9, 1986, Fox was the highest-rated broadcast network in the...

, this episode is rated TV-PG for violence (V).


When Hank
Hank Hill
Henry Rutherford "Hank" Hill Age 50 animated series King of the Hill. Hank lives in Arlen, Texas and works at the fictional Strickland Propane selling propane and propane accessories. Hank's voice is provided by series creator Mike Judge. The Economist named Hank Hill as one of the wisest people...

 and Peggy
Peggy Hill
Margaret J. "Peggy" Hill is a fictional character in the American animated series King of the Hill.-Biography:Peggy is the matriarch of the Hill family, and the wife of series protagonist Hank Hill. She wears rimless glasses and is generally seen wearing cut-off blouses and culottes...

 head out for ice cream, Bobby
Bobby Hill (King of the Hill)
Robert Jeffrey "Bobby" Hill is a character on the animated series King of the Hill and is voiced by Pamela Adlon. Bobby is the only child of Hank and Peggy Hill.- Biography :...

 stays behind to secretly dance with Ladybird in the family room while watching a tape of other people likewise dancing with their dogs. However, the dance is cut short as Hank and Peggy return home earlier than anticipated, and Hank rebukes Bobby for making Ladybird dance, as old and arthritic as she is. Hank muses about the incident in the alley with Dale
Dale Gribble
Dale Alvin Gribble is a fictional character in the animated series King of the Hill. and is voiced by Johnny Hardwick . He is an exterminator, bounty hunter, smoker, gun fanatic, and paranoid believer of almost all conspiracy theories and urban legends...

, Boomhauer
Jeff Dexter Boomhauer III, almost always referred to as simply Boomhauer, is a fictional character in the animated series King of the Hill. The character is voiced by series creator Mike Judge, and is known for his nearly incomprehensible speech....

, and Bill
Bill Dauterive
Bill Dauterive, born Gillaume Fontaine de la Tour D'Haute Rive is a fictional character on the Fox animated series King of the Hill...

; Bill appears to become enamored with the idea of 'dog dancing'. Later, as Hank putters around his workbench, Ladybird responds to a song on the radio by whimpering for Hank's attention and attempting to get him to take her paws for a dance. Hank decides to indulge her and discovers he enjoys it, after which he begins dancing with Ladybird anytime he can find the privacy to do so. Meanwhile, Bill visits the animal shelter in search of a dog of his own to dance with. The shelter staff trick him into adopting an ill-tempered, muzzled Rottweiler
The Rottweiler is a medium to large size breed of domestic dog that originated in Rottweil, Germany. The dogs were known as "Rottweil butchers' dogs" because they were used to herd livestock and pull carts laden with butchered meat and other products to market...

; upon getting the dog home, Bill removes the muzzle only to have the dog begin viciously tearing apart everything in the house to get to Bill, who locks himself in his bathroom to escape.

As news spreads for a dog-dancing competition being held in Arlen, Bobby borrows the Souphanousinphones' dog Doggie for a dance partner and begins training with him, while Hank continues dancing with Ladybird. Bobby discovers that Hank has been dog dancing when they run into each other at the competition signup. Tensions mount in the Hill household as the two vie for training privacy so that neither steals the other's moves. When Peggy, who has tried to remain neutral, becomes fed up with Hank and Bobby's bickering, Hank offers to take her out for a romantic evening away from all of the dog dancing quarreling, only to begin pumping her for information on Bobby's dance routine during their night out; whereupon Peggy promptly renounces her neutrality and begins to root exclusively for Bobby.

The day of the competition finds Hank and Bobby no less antagonistic toward one another than before. Hank goes on before Bobby, performing a graceful, elegant slow-dance with Ladybird to Patsy Cline
Patsy Cline
Patsy Cline , born Virginia Patterson Hensley in Gore, Virginia, was an American country music singer who enjoyed pop music crossover success during the era of the Nashville sound in the early 1960s...

's "Walking After Midnight"; Bobby and Doggie follow with an energetic, acrobatic routine to Technotronic
Technotronic is a Belgian studio-based music project formed in 1988 by Jo Bogaert , who had already made his musical mark in the beginning of the 1980s as a part of a cover band and as a solo artist under various New Beat projects, including The Acts of Madmen and Nux Nemo...

's "Move This". Both of their dances are very well-received by the audience. Bill arrives, too, with his Rottweiler in tow, having managed to get the dog muzzled and under control only by tricking it into devouring a pile of sleeping pills. However, he is told that dogs are not to be muzzled for the dance, and as soon as Bill removes the muzzle the Rottweiler turns on him again, and he flees for his life. When the top three contestants are named, an ecstatic Bobby finds that he and Doggie have won second place; Hank is dismayed to find that he and Ladybird have not placed. He tells Ladybird that it's just 'a young dogs' sport', and they go home. Later, with Hank back at his workbench, Ladybird again entreats him to dance; when Bobby and Peggy join them in the garage, Hank allows Bobby to cut in with Ladybird and dances with Peggy. In the end, the dancing just ended up being for fun, for all involved.
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