Current Gene Therapy
Current Gene Therapy is a peer-reviewed
Peer review
Peer review is a process of self-regulation by a profession or a process of evaluation involving qualified individuals within the relevant field. Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards, improve performance and provide credibility...

 medical journal
Medical journal
A public health journal is a scientific journal devoted to the field of public health, including epidemiology, biostatistics, and health care . Public health journals, like most scientific journals, are peer-reviewed...

 published by Bentham Science Publishers
Bentham Science Publishers
Bentham Science Publishers is a publishing company of scientific, technical, and medical literature based at Sharjah. Bentham publishes more than 106 subscription-based academic journals and over 230 open access journals and e-books....

. The editor-in-chief is Ignacio Anegon. The focus of this journal is pre-clinical or clinical research on gene therapy. Formats of publication include original research reports, review papers, and rapid communications ("letters").

Abstracting and indexing

The journal is indexed in:

According to the Journal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports is an annual publication by the Healthcare & Science division of Thomson Reuters. It has been integrated with the Web of Knowledge, by Thomson Reuters, and is accessed from the Web of Science to JCR Web. It provides information about academic journals in the sciences and...

, the journal has a 2010 impact factor
Impact factor
The impact factor, often abbreviated IF, is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals. It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher impact factors deemed...

of 4.902, ranking it 24th of 156 journals in the category "Genetics & Heredity".
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