Cuboideonavicular articulation
Cuboideonavicular Articulation.—The navicular bone is connected with the cuboid by dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments.

The Dorsal Ligaments

The dorsal ligaments are three small bundles, one attached to each of the cuneiform bones.

The bundle connecting the navicular with the first cuneiform is continuous around the medial side of the articulation with the plantar ligament which unites these two bones.

The Plantar Ligaments

The plantar ligaments have a similar arrangement to the dorsal, and are strengthened by slips from the tendon of the Tibialis posterior.

Synovial Membrane

The synovial membrane of these joints is part of the great tarsal synovial membrane.


Mere gliding movements are permitted between the navicular and cuneiform bones.
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