Crosslight Software
Crosslight Software Inc. is an international company headquartered in greater Vancouver, BC, Canada. It provides Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD
Technology CAD
Technology CAD is a branch of electronic design automation that models semiconductor fabrication and semiconductor device operation. The modeling of the fabrication is termed Process TCAD, while the modeling of the device operation is termed Device TCAD...

) tools for semiconductor device and process simulations. Crosslight Software Inc. was a spin-off from National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in 1993. Crosslight pioneered in the electrical and optical simulation of opto-electronic devices in commercial TCAD
Technology CAD
Technology CAD is a branch of electronic design automation that models semiconductor fabrication and semiconductor device operation. The modeling of the fabrication is termed Process TCAD, while the modeling of the device operation is termed Device TCAD...

  product, and also licensed product from Stanford University TCAD Group for semiconductor process simulations.


Crosslight was spinned off from NRC in 1993 with the flagship product of LASTIP which was the first commecial software for the simulation of laser diodes in 2D. In 1995
the 3D simulator PICS3D for the modelling of opto-electronic devices in full 3D was developed. Multi-dimenstional simulator APSYS has also been developed for electronic devices.
In 2002, Crosslight licensed the legendary 2D process simulator Suprem and extended it to 3D simulation tool Csuprem.
Crosslight has sponsored some research projects in universities and institute. provides flash movie tutorial for Crosslight's products.
In January 2010, Crosslight entered into a partnership with Acceleware
Acceleware Ltd. is a Calgary-based software development company, producing software that enables software vendors to utilize parallel processing, multi-core hardware environments without having to modify their applications....

 with the intention of producing greater speed in thin film solar cell
Thin film solar cell
A thin-film solar cell , also called a thin-film photovoltaic cell , is a solar cell that is made by depositing one or more thin layers of photovoltaic material on a substrate...

and image pixel sensor simulations.


Laser Technology Integrated Program, was the first product of Crosslight Software Inc., dedicated primarily to 2D simulation of edge emitting laser diodes. It brought methods of TCAD to the laser community which over time achieved the maturity level similar to the one seen in silicon IC industry. It includes optical gain model for quantum well/wire/dot with different types of spectral broadening, Coulomb interaction, and kp non-parabolic subbands. It also accurately treats multiple lateral modes interactions.


Photonic Integrated Circuit Simulator in 3D, is a state of the art 3D-simulator for surface and edge emission laser diodes, SOA, and other similar active waveguide devices. 2/3 dimensional semiconductor equations (drift-diffusion) are coupled to the optical modes in both lateral and longtudinal directions. Optical properties such as quantum well/wire/dot optical gain and spontaneous emission rates are computed self-consistently.


Advanced Physical Models of Semiconductor Devices, is based on 2D/3D finite element analysis of electrical, optical and thermal properties of compound semiconductor devices, with silicon as a special case. Emphasis has been placed on band structure engineering and quantum mechanical effects. Inclusion of various optical modules also makes this simulation package attractive for applications involving photosensitive or light emitting devices.


(Crosslight-SUPREM) is a process simulation software package based on the SUPREM.IV.GS code developed at Integrated Circuits Laboratory, Stanford University. SUPREM.IV.GS (2D) has been recognized as the industrial standard in process simulation for integrated circuit (IC) design for over a decade. Crosslight greatly enhances the capability of the original code from Stanford and extends it from 2D to 3D.


(PROcesses of COMpounds) is a 2/3-dimensional process simulation software package for compound semiconductor growth by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD). Given the deposition reactor geometry, chemical species and growth condition parameters, PROCOM predicts the semiconductor film growth rate, composition, thickness uniformity, dopant incorporation and defect distribution based on detailed chemical kinetics and mass/heat transfer models.
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