Creatures of the Night (non-fiction book)
Creatures of the Night is a book about the cult following of the motion picture The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the 1975 film adaptation of the British rock musical stageplay, The Rocky Horror Show, written by Richard O'Brien. The film is a parody of B-movie, science fiction and horror films of the late 1940s through early 1970s. Director Jim Sharman collaborated on the...

, written by Sal Piro
Sal Piro
Sal Piro is the president of The Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club, a position he's held since 1977. Piro was a part of the original Waverly Theatre audience, from which the unique audience participation elements and much of the film's cult following were born...

. Piro has been President of the National Fan club since 1977. The book contains information about the beginnings of the cult following as well as Piro's own experiences as a fan of the movie.
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