Copy Cats
David Crouse
David Crouse
David Crouse is a short story writer and teacher. Crouse's work explores issues of identity and alienation, and his stories are populated with characters living on the fringes of American society. The Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction was awarded to him in 2005 for his first collection of...

's short story collection Copy Cats was awarded the prestigious Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction
Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction
The Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction is an annual prize awarded by the University of Georgia Press named in honor of the American short story writer and novelist Flannery O'Connor....

 in 2005. Copy Cats was subsequently nominated for the Pen-Faulkner Award in 2006.

Copy Cats consists of 7 short stories and one extended novella, and takes as its themes issues of identity and alienation. The story "Kopy Kats" concerns itself with a world of false images and doubles, as its protagonist—a man who works in a hectic copy shop—seeks authenticity in his life and finds only more and more imitations. "Retreat" deals with the intersection of mental illness and art, as two characters attend an art camp for people with nervous disorders. "Click" dramatizes the life of a middle-brow photographer as he tries to record the life of a part-time prostituted and drug addict; but his increasing identification with his subject moves him away from his own tenuous sense of self.

The Boston Globe has compared Copy Cats to the work of short story masters Andre Dubus
Andre Dubus
Andre Dubus, II was an American short story writer, essayist, and autobiographer. Dubus is recognized as one of the most prolific American short-story writers in the 20th century.-Early life and education:...

 and Richard Yates
Richard Yates (novelist)
Richard Yates was an American novelist and short story writer, known for his exploration of mid-20th century life.-Life:...

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