Communist Party of China 52 code of ethics
The Communist Party of China 52 code of ethics (中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则) or (廉政准则) was issued on February 23, 2010 to fight widespread corruption
Corruption in China
The People's Republic of China suffers from widespread corruption. For 2010, China was ranked 78 of 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, ranking slightly above fellow BRIC nations India and Russia, but below Brazil and most developed countries...

 within the Communist Party of China
Communist Party of China
The Communist Party of China , also known as the Chinese Communist Party , is the founding and ruling political party of the People's Republic of China...

. The codes list 52 "unacceptable practices" (不准) that says party officials who violate the guidelines will be severely punished and could face criminal charges.


An initial "trial" code of ethics
Ethical code
An ethical code is adopted by an organization in an attempt to assist those in the organization called upon to make a decision understand the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and to apply this understanding to their decision...

 was pushed out in March 1997. According to Xinhua News Agency
Xinhua News Agency
The Xinhua News Agency is the official press agency of the government of the People's Republic of China and the biggest center for collecting information and press conferences in the PRC. It is the largest news agency in the PRC, ahead of the China News Service...

 the 2010 code is a replacement of the trial one introduced in 1997. In addition, the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention and the Ministry of Supervision
Ministry of Supervision of the People's Republic of China
The Ministry of Supervision of the People's Republic of China is responsible for maintaining an efficient, disciplined, clean and honest government, and educate public servants about their duty and discipline...

made it a priority to monitor about 4,000 corrupt officials who left China with $50 billion between 1978 and 2003 after first sending their spouses and child overseas.
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