Common mode
Common mode is a term in engineering with at least two independent meanings.
  • Of electrical signals,
  • Common-mode rejection ratio
    Common-mode rejection ratio
    The common-mode rejection ratio of a differential amplifier is the tendency of the devices to reject the input signals common to both input leads...

    , the ratio of rejection of common mode signals to differential signals
  • Common-mode interference
    Common-mode interference
    In telecommunication, the term common-mode interference has the following meanings:#Interference that appears on both signal leads , or the terminals of a measuring circuit, and ground....

    , interference that appears on both signal leads, or coherent interference that affects two or more elements of a network
  • Common-mode signal
    Common-mode signal
    Common-mode signal is the component of an analog signal which is present with one sign on all considered conclusions. In electronics where the signal is transferred with differential voltage use, the common-mode signal is called a half-sum of voltages:...

    , a component of an analog signal with the same sign on two signal leads
  • Common mode failure is when one event causes multiple systems to fail
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