Col de la Croix (Corsica)
For other places sharing the name 'Pass of the cross' please see Col de la Croix (disambiguation)

Col de la Croix (or Bocca a Croce) is a mountain pass
Mountain pass
A mountain pass is a route through a mountain range or over a ridge. If following the lowest possible route, a pass is locally the highest point on that route...

 in the department of Corse-du-Sud
Corse-du-Sud is a French département composed of the southern part of the island of Corsica.- History :The department was formed on 15 September 1975, when the Corse department was divided into Haute-Corse and Corse-du-Sud...

 in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


It depends of the commune of Osani
Osani is a commune in the Corse-du-Sud department of France on the island of Corsica.-Population:-References:*...

, and connects Porto and Galéria
Galéria is a commune in the Haute-Corse department of France on the island of Corsica.-Population:-See also:* Torra di Galeria* Col de la Croix *Communes of the Haute-Corse department-References:*...

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