Clover Equipment Company
Coffee Equipment Company was a Seattle-based manufacturer of coffee equipment. The company focused on producing equipment that creates high-quality brewed coffee. It was purchased in 2008 by Starbucks
Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 17,009 stores in 55 countries, including over 11,000 in the United States, over 1,000 in Canada, over 700 in the United Kingdom, and...


The company's first product was the Clover 1s, a machine that produces brewed coffee one cup at a time. The machine uses a brewing method similar to that of a French press
French press
A French press, also known as a press pot, coffee press, coffee plunger, cafetiere or сafetière à piston, is a simple coffee brewing device that was first patented by Italian designer Attilio Calimani in 1929....

along with a vacuum system to separate the liquid from the coffee grounds.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz purchased the company after trying a cup brewed by a Clover machine and declaring it to be "the best cup of brewed coffee I have ever tasted."

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