Clickimin broch
The Broch of Clickimin broch (also Clickimin broch) is a large and well preserved, though somewhat 'restored' broch
A broch is an Iron Age drystone hollow-walled structure of a type found only in Scotland. Brochs include some of the most sophisticated examples of drystone architecture ever created, and belong to the classification "complex Atlantic Roundhouse" devised by Scottish archaeologists in the 1980s....

 near the town of Lerwick
Lerwick is the capital and main port of the Shetland Islands, Scotland, located more than 100 miles off the north coast of mainland Scotland on the east coast of the Shetland Mainland...

 in Shetland, Scotland. Originally built on an island in a small loch
Loch is the Irish and Scottish Gaelic word for a lake or a sea inlet. It has been anglicised as lough, although this is pronounced the same way as loch. Some lochs could also be called a firth, fjord, estuary, strait or bay...

 (reduced in size by silting and drainage), approached by a stone causeway, the structure contains a later wheelhouse. It is situated within a walled enclosure and, unusually for brochs, features a large "blockhouse" between the opening in the enclosure and the door of the broch itself. Another unusual feature is a stone slab featuring sculptured footprints, located in the causeway approaching the site. Situated across the loch
Loch is the Irish and Scottish Gaelic word for a lake or a sea inlet. It has been anglicised as lough, although this is pronounced the same way as loch. Some lochs could also be called a firth, fjord, estuary, strait or bay...

 is the Clickimin Leisure Centre. The site is maintained by Historic Scotland
Historic Scotland
Historic Scotland is an executive agency of the Scottish Government, responsible for historic monuments in Scotland.-Role:As its website states:...

(no entrance charge).

External links

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