Chungakkarum Veshyakalum
Chungakkarum Veshyakalum is a Canadian - Indian co-production in Malayalam language
Malayalam language
Malayalam , is one of the four major Dravidian languages of southern India. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India with official language status in the state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Pondicherry. It is spoken by 35.9 million people...

. Written, directed, co-produced and co-edited by Isaac Thomas, it stars veteran Malayalam actor Thilakan
Surendranatha Thilakan , known mononymously as Thilakan, is an Indian actor who works in Malayalam cinema and theatre. He was awarded Padma Shri on 25 January 2009.- Theatre:...

 in the lead role supported by Sanjay George and Anu Thahim.

The film started its production on 30 October 2007, and got released in Kerla in August 2011.


Chungakkarum Veshyakalum is the story of a Malayali family who emigrated to Canada some years back. Later Unnunnichayan (Thilakan
Surendranatha Thilakan , known mononymously as Thilakan, is an Indian actor who works in Malayalam cinema and theatre. He was awarded Padma Shri on 25 January 2009.- Theatre:...

) goes to Canada to stay with his son. He is from a village in Kerala and finds it difficult to adjust with the Canadian lifestyle. He faced difficulties since he does not know English or the Canadian peopel. On occasions, even his son got angry with him for his mistakes or ignorant behaviour.


Surendranatha Thilakan , known mononymously as Thilakan, is an Indian actor who works in Malayalam cinema and theatre. He was awarded Padma Shri on 25 January 2009.- Theatre:...

.. Unniyachan
Sanjay George
Saju Varghese
Anu Thahim
Sivan Kailas
Jasan Mathew
Michelle Sinclair
R. Panicker

External links

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