Chrysalis (boarding school)
Chrysalis is a private, small therapeutic boarding school
Therapeutic boarding school
A therapeutic boarding school , alternatively known as an emotional growth boarding school, is a boarding school based on the therapeutic community model that offers an educational program together with specialized structure and supervision for students with emotional and behavioral problems,...

 for girls between the ages of 13 and 18 years old. It is located in Eureka, Montana
Eureka, Montana
Eureka is a town in Lincoln County, Montana, United States. The population was 1,017 at the 2000 census.-Geography:Eureka is located at , approximately from Kalispell....

. Chrysalis was created in 1998 and now is a full member of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs
National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs
The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs is a United States organization of therapeutic schools, residential treatment programs, wilderness programs, outdoor therapeutic programs, young adult programs and home-based residential programs for adolescents and young adults with...


The Chrysalis program is largely based on peer accountability, outdoor adventure therapy
Adventure therapy
Adventure Therapy as a distinct and separate form of psychotherapy has only been prominent for less than 40 years. Influences from a variety of learning and psychological theories have contributed to the complex theoretical combination within adventure therapy . The underlying philosophy largely...

, and group therapy
Group therapy
Group psychotherapy or group therapy is a form of psychotherapy in which one or more therapists treat a small group of clients together as a group...

 sessions they call "circles." The self-reported length of the program is between 18 and 24 months.

See also

  • Adventure therapy
    Adventure therapy
    Adventure Therapy as a distinct and separate form of psychotherapy has only been prominent for less than 40 years. Influences from a variety of learning and psychological theories have contributed to the complex theoretical combination within adventure therapy . The underlying philosophy largely...

  • National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs
    National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs
    The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs is a United States organization of therapeutic schools, residential treatment programs, wilderness programs, outdoor therapeutic programs, young adult programs and home-based residential programs for adolescents and young adults with...

  • Wilderness therapy
    Wilderness therapy
    Wilderness therapy is a subset of adventure-based therapy. It is the use of wilderness expeditions for the purpose of therapeutic intervention. There are a range of different types of wilderness therapy programs, with a range of models and approaches. Some grow out of a survival approach and some...

External links

  • Chrysalis Therapeutic Boarding School - The official Chrysalis web site contains information about the program
  • A Place of Growth - An article published on September 20, 2009 by the Daily Inter Lake, which details the swift financial success of the school as well as the profile of some of the students

Further reading

  • Maia Szalavitz (2006), Help at Any Cost, Riverhead. ISBN 1594489106. A former senior fellow of the Statistical Assessment Service at George Mason University offers a thoroughly researched critique of the troubled-teen industry, which includes an ethical guide for parents with troubled teenagers.
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