Chrome (programming language)
Oxygene is a programming language
Programming language
A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine and/or to express algorithms precisely....

 developed by RemObjects Software
RemObjects Software
RemObjects Software is an American software company founded in 2002 by Alessandro Federici and Marc Hoffman. It develops and offers tools and libraries for software developers on a variety of development platforms, including Embarcadero Delphi, Microsoft .NET, Mono, and Apple's...

 for Microsoft's
Microsoft Corporation is an American public multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to computing through its various product divisions...

 Common Language Infrastructure
Common Language Infrastructure
The Common Language Infrastructure is an open specification developed by Microsoft and standardized by ISO and ECMA that describes the executable code and runtime environment that form the core of the Microsoft .NET Framework and the free and open source implementations Mono and Portable.NET...

. Oxygene is Object Pascal
Object Pascal
Object Pascal refers to a branch of object-oriented derivatives of Pascal, mostly known as the primary programming language of Embarcadero Delphi.-Early history at Apple:...

Compared to the now deprecated Delphi.NET, Oxygene does not emphasize total backward compatibility, but is designed to be a full .NET citizen and leverage all the features and technologies provided by the .NET runtime.

Starting 2008, RemObjects Software has licensed its compiler and IDE technology to Embarcadero
Embarcadero Technologies
Embarcadero Technologies is an American computer software company that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services related to software through its various dynamic product divisions...

 to be used in their Delphi Prism
Delphi Prism
Delphi Prism is a rapid application development tool for the Microsoft .NET Framework and Mono, developed by RemObjects Software and distributed by Embarcadero Technologies....

 product. Delphi Prism offers full integration into Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010. Starting the Fall of 2011, Oxygene is adds support for the Java and Android runtimes, as well. The Embarcadero Prism product continues to focus on .NET, with Java support being available as a separate product from RemObjects Software. Both products/platforms share the same core compiler and development environment.

The language

The Oxygene language has its origins in Object Pascal in general and Delphi in particular, but was designed to reflect the guidelines of .NET programming and to create fully CLR-compliant assemblies. Therefore not all language features known from Object Pascal / Delphi can be found any longer in Oxygene or only as legacy features.

Oxygene is an object-oriented
Object-oriented programming
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm using "objects" – data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions – to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as data abstraction,...

 language, which means it uses classes, which can hold data and execute code, to design programs. Classes are "prototypes" for objects, like the idea of an apple is the prototype for the apple you can actually buy in the shop. You know that an apple has a color, and you know that it can be peeled: those are the data and executable "code" for the apple class.

Oxygene provides language-level support for some of features of parallel programming. The goal is to use all cores or processors of a computer to improve performance. To reach this goal, tasks have to be distributed among several threads. The .NET framework's ThreadPool class offered a way to efficiently work with several threads. The Task Parallel Library (TPL) was introduced in .NET 4.0 to provide more features for parallel programming.

Operators can be overloaded in Oxygene using the class operator syntax:
class operator implicit(i : Integer) : MyClass;
Note, that for operator overloading each operator has a name, that has to be used in the operator overloading syntax, because for example "+" would not be a valid method name in Oxygene.

Program structure

Oxygene does not use "Units" like Delphi does, but uses .NET-namespaces to organize and group types. A namespace can span multiple files (and assemblies), but one file can only contain types of one namespace. This namespace is defined at the very top of the file:
namespace ConsoleApplication1;

Oxygene files are separated into an interface and an implementation section, which is the structure known from Delphi. The interface section follows the declaration of the namespace. It contains the uses-clause, which in Oxygene imports types from other namespaces:
Imported namespaces have to be in the project itself or in referenced assemblies. Unlike in C#, in Oxygene you cannot define alias names for namespaces, only for single type names (see below).

Following the uses-clause a file contains type declarations, like they are known from Delphi:

ConsoleApp = class
class method Main;
As in C#, the Main-method is the entry point for every program. It can have a parameter args : Array of String for passing command line arguments to the program.

More types can be declared without repeating the type-keyword.

The implementation of the declared methods is places in the implementation section:

class method ConsoleApp.Main;
// add your own code here
Console.WriteLine('Hello World.');

Files are always ended with end.


As a .NET language, Oxygene uses the .NET type system: There are value types (like structs) and reference types (like arrays or classes).

Although it does not introduce own "pre-defined" types, Oxygene offers more "pascalish" generic names for some of them, so that for example the System.Int32 can be used as Integer and Boolean (System.Boolean), Char (System.Char), Real (System.Double) join the family of pascal-typenames, too. The struct character of these types, which is part of .NET, is fully preserved.

As in all .NET languages types in Oxygene have a visibility. In Oxygene the default visibility is assembly, which is equivalent to the internal visibility in C#. The other possible type visibility is public.
MyClass = public class
The visibility can be set for every type you define (classes, interfaces, records, ...).

You can define an alias name for types, which can be used locally or in other Oxygene-assemblies, too.

IntList = public List; //visible in other Oxygene-assemblies
SecretEnumerable = IEnumerable; //not visible in other assemblies
Public type aliases won't be visible for other languages.


Records are what .NET-structs are called in Oxygene. They are declared just like classes, but with the record keyword:
MyRecord = record
method Foo;
As they're just .NET-structs, records can have fields, methods and properties, but do not have inheritance and cannot implement interfaces.


Interfaces are very important concept in the .NET world, the framework itself makes heavy use of them. Interfaces are the specification of a small set of methods, properties and events a class has to implement when implementing the interface. For example contains the interface IEnumerable specifies the GetEnumerator method which is used to iterate over sequences.

Interfaces are declared just like classes:
MyInterface = public interface
method MakeItSo : IEnumerable;
property Bar : String read write;
Please notice, that for properties the getter and setter are not explicitly specified.


Delegates define signatures for methods, so that these methods can be passed in parameters (e.g. callbacks) or stored in variables, etc. They're the type-safe NET-equivalent to function pointers. They're also used in events. When assigning a method to a delegate, one has to use the @ operator, so the compiler knows, that one doesn't want to call the method but just assign it.

Oxygene can create anonymous delegates, so for example you can pass methods to the Invoke method of a control without declaring the delegate:
method MainForm.MainForm_Load(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
An anonymous delegate with the signature of the method DoSomething will be created by the compiler.

Oxygene supports polymorphic delegates, which means, that delegates which have parameters of descending types are assignment compatible. Assume two classes MyClass and MyClassEx = class(MyClass), then in the following code BlubbEx is assignment compatible to Blubb.
delegate Blubb(sender : Object; m : MyClass);
delegate BlubbEx(sender : Object; mx : MyClassEx);

Fields can be used to delegate the implementation of an interface, if the type they're of implements this interface:
Implementor = public class(IMyInterface)
// ... implement interface ...

MyClass = public class(IMyInterface)
fSomeImplementor : Implementor; public implements IMyInterface; //takes care of implementing the interface
In this example the compiler will create public methods and properties in MyClass, which call the methods / properties of fSomeImplementor, to implement the members of IMyInterface. This can be used to provide mixin-like functionality.

Anonymous methods

Anonymous methods are implemented inside other methods. They are not accessible outside of the method unless stored inside a delegate field. Anonymous methods can use the local variables of the method they're implemented in and the fields of the class they belong to.

Anonymous methods are especially useful when working with code that is supposed to be executed in a GUI thread, which is done in .NET by passing a method do the Invoke method (Control.Invoke in WinForms, Dispatcher.Invoke in WPF):
method Window1.PredictNearFuture; //declared as async in the interface
// ... Calculate result here, store in variable "theFuture"
Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, method; begin
theFutureTextBox.Text := theFuture;

Anonymous methods can have parameters, too:
method Window1.PredictNearFuture; //declared as async in the interface
// ... Calculate result here, store in variable "theFuture"
Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, method(aFuture : String); begin
theFutureTextBox.Text := aFuture ;
end, theFuture);

Both source codes use anonymous delegates.

Property notification

Property notification is used mainly for data binding, when the GUI has to know when the value of a property changes. The .NET framework provides the interfaces INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyPropertyChanging (in .NET 3.5) for this purpose. These interfaces define events which have to be fired when a property is changed / was changed.

Oxygene provides the notify modifier, which can be used on properties. If this modifier is used, the compiler will add the interfaces to the class, implement them and create code to raise the events when the property changes / was changed.

property Foo : String read fFoo write SetFoo; notify;
property Bar : String; notify 'Blubb'; //will notify that property "Blubb" was changed instead of "Bar"

As you can see, the modifier can be used on properties which have a setter method. The code to raise the events will then be added to this method during compile time.

Hello World

namespace HelloWorld;


HelloClass = class
class method Main;


class method HelloClass.Main;
System.Console.WriteLine('Hello World!');


Generic container

namespace GenericContainer;


TestApp = class
class method Main;

Person = class
property FirstName: String;
property LastName: String;



class method TestApp.Main;
var myList := new List; //type inference
myList.Add(new Person(FirstName := 'John', LastName := 'Doe'));
myList.Add(new Person(FirstName := 'Jane', LastName := 'Doe'));
myList.Add(new Person(FirstName := 'James', LastName := 'Doe'));
Console.WriteLine(myList[1].FirstName); //No casting needed


Generic method

namespace GenericMethodTest;


GenericMethodTest = static class
class method Main;
class method Swap(var left, right : T);
class method DoSwap(left, right : T);


class method GenericMethodTest.DoSwap(left, right : T);
var a := left;
var b := right;
Console.WriteLine('Type: {0}', typeof(T));
Console.WriteLine('-> a = {0}, b = {1}', a , b);
Swap(var a, var b);
Console.WriteLine('-> a = {0}, b = {1}', a , b);

class method GenericMethodTest.Main;
var a := 23;// type inference
var b := 15;
DoSwap(a, b); // no downcasting to Object in this method.

var aa := 'abc';// type inference
var bb := 'def';
DoSwap(aa, bb); // no downcasting to Object in this method.

DoSwap(1.1, 1.2); // type inference for generic parameters

class method GenericMethodTest.Swap(var left, right : T);
var temp := left;
left:= right;
right := temp;


Program Output:

Type: System.Int32
-> a = 23, b = 15
-> a = 15, b = 23
Type: System.String
-> a = abc, b = def
-> a = def, b = abc
Type: System.Double
-> a = 1,1, b = 1,2
-> a = 1,2, b = 1,1

Differences between native Delphi and Oxygene / Delphi Prism

  • unit: Replaced with the namespace
    Namespace (computer science)
    A namespace is an abstract container or environment created to hold a logical grouping of unique identifiers or symbols . An identifier defined in a namespace is associated only with that namespace. The same identifier can be independently defined in multiple namespaces...

     keyword. Since Oxygene doesn't compile per-file but per-project, it does not depend on the name of the file. Instead the unit or namespace keyword is used to denote the default namespace that all types are defined in for that file
  • procedure and function: These two keywords have been replaced with the method keyword
  • overload: In Delphi Prism all methods are overloaded by default, so no special keyword is needed for this
  • .Create: This constructor call has been replaced by the new keyword. It can still be enabled in the project options for legacy reasons


Some people would like to port their Win32 Delphi code to Prism as is. This is not possible because while Prism looks like Delphi there are enough changes to make it incompatible for a simple recompile.
So while the name makes you think it is just another version of Delphi that is not completely true.

On top of the language differences the Visual Component Library
Visual Component Library
VCL is a visual component-based object-oriented framework for developing Microsoft Windows applications. It was developed by Borland for use in, and tightly integrated with, its Delphi and C++Builder RAD tools...

 framework is not available in Delphi Prism.
This makes porting even more difficult because classic Delphi code relies heavily on the VCL.

See also

  • C#
  • Object Pascal
    Object Pascal
    Object Pascal refers to a branch of object-oriented derivatives of Pascal, mostly known as the primary programming language of Embarcadero Delphi.-Early history at Apple:...

  • Free Pascal
    Free Pascal
    Free Pascal Compiler is a free Pascal and Object Pascal compiler.In addition to its own Object Pascal dialect, Free Pascal supports, to varying degrees, the dialects of several other compilers, including those of Turbo Pascal, Delphi, and some historical Macintosh compilers...

  • Eiffel
    Eiffel (programming language)
    Eiffel is an ISO-standardized, object-oriented programming language designed by Bertrand Meyer and Eiffel Software. The design of the language is closely connected with the Eiffel programming method...

  • Java
    Java (programming language)
    Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities...

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.