Christian Pike
Christian Pike is an Associate Professor at the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
The Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California, a leader in the field of gerontology, has pioneered educational programs including the world's first Ph.D. in Gerontology, the first joint Master's degree in Gerontology and Business Administration, and the first...

and a member of the USC Neuroscience Program. His ongoing work focuses on Alzheimer's disease and other age-related neurodegenerative disorders. His laboratory studies the role of neuronal apoptosis in neural diseases. Recently, his research found new use for synthetic estrogens in lessening the effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Alzheimer's patients.

In 2000, he won the Turken Award from the Alzheimer's Association.

Selected Papers and Publications

Pike CJ (1999) Estrogen modulates neuronal Bcl-xL expression and b-amyloid-induced apoptosis: relevance to Alzheimer's disease J Neurochem 72: 1552-1563.

Stoltzner SE, Berchtold NC, Cotman CW and Pike CJ (2001) Estrogen regulates bcl-x expression in rat hippocampus. Neuroreport 12: 2797-2800..

Pike CJ (2001) Testosterone attenuates b-amyloid toxicity in cultured hippocampal neurons Brain Res. 919: 160-165.

Berchtold NC, Kesslak J.P., Pike CJ and Cotman CW (2001) Estrogen and exercise interact to regulate brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression in the hippocampus Eur J Neurosci 14: 1992-2002.

External links

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