Chelorrhina is a genus of African scarab
The family Scarabaeidae as currently defined consists of over 30,000 species of beetles worldwide. The species in this large family are often called scarabs or scarab beetles. The classification of this family is fairly unstable, with numerous competing theories, and new proposals appearing quite...

 beetle in the subfamily Cetoniinae, the flower chafer
Flower chafer
Flower chafers are a group of scarab beetles, comprising the subfamily Cetoniinae. Many species are diurnal and visit flowers for pollen and nectar, or to browse on the petals. Some species also feed on fruit. The group is also called fruit and flower chafers, flower beetles and flower scarabs...

s. the genus includes only three species:
  • Chelorrhina kraatzi (Moser 1905)
  • Chelorrhina polyphemus
    Chelorrhina polyphemus
    Chelorrhina polyphemus is a large scarab beetle of the subfamily cetoniinae found in dense tropical African forests. It is a frequent feeder on fruits and sap flows from tree wounds. There are several varieties including C. polyphemus polyphemus, C. polyphemus confluens, and C. polyphemus...

     (Fabricius, 1781)
  • Chelorrhina savagei (Harris 1844)
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