Catalog of Stellar Identifications
The Catalog of Stellar Identifications (CSI) is a star catalog which was constructed to facilitate cross-referencing between different star catalogs. It contains designations and basic data for, as of 1983, approximately 440,000 star
A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity. At the end of its lifetime, a star can also contain a proportion of degenerate matter. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on Earth...

s, and was created by merging the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog is an astrometric star catalogue. It was published by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1966 and contains 258,997 stars. The catalogue was...

, the Henry Draper Catalogue
Henry Draper Catalogue
The Henry Draper Catalogue is an astronomical star catalogue published between 1918 and 1924, giving spectroscopic classifications for 225,300 stars; it was later expanded by the Henry Draper Extension , published between 1925 and 1936, which gave classifications for 46,850 more stars, and by the...

, the AGK2/3
Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog
The Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog is an astrometric star catalogue. Compilation for the first version, AGK1, was started in 1861 by Friedrich Argelander and published between 1890 and 1954, listing 200 000 stars down to ninth magnitude....

, the Cape Photographic Catalogue
Cape Photographic Catalogue
The Cape Photographic Catalogue is a star catalog containing 68,467 stars in the Southern Hemisphere whose declinations are either between −30° and −40° or between −52° and −90°. It contains positions, proper motions, magnitudes, and spectral types, and was published by the Cape Observatory...

, the Cape Zone Catalogue, the Yale Zone Catalogue, the Cape Catalogue of Faint Stars, and the Boss General Catalogue
Boss General Catalogue
Boss General Catalogue is an astronomical catalogue containing 33,342 stars. It was compiled by Benjamin Boss and published in 1936 in USA. Its original name was General Catalogue of 33,342 Stars and it superseded the previous Preliminary General Catalogue of 6,188 Stars for the Epoch 1900 of 1910...

. It contains stellar coordinates, magnitudes, spectral types, proper motions, and cross-references to designations in the previously mentioned catalogs. It also gives cross-references to many other catalogues, such as the Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars
Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars
The Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars, or IDS, is a catalog of double stars. It was published by Lick Observatory in 1963 and contains measurements for 64,250 objects, covering the entire sky...

, which have been linked to the CSI. The CSI eventually became part of the SIMBAD
SIMBAD is an astronomical database of objects beyond the Solar System...

stellar database.
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