Captivating (book)
Captivating is a popular and controversial book in the American/Christian market. Published in 2005 by John Eldredge
John Eldredge
John Eldredge is an author, counselor, and lecturer of Christianity.-Life and work:While living in Los Angeles Eldredge was looking for a "worldview." After exploring other religions, Eastern mysticism, Lao-Tzu, and New Age spirituality, he discovered the writings of Francis Schaeffer, whom he...

 and his wife Stasi, it proposes that women have three core desires: "to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty." (Eldredge 8). It also proposes that God made woman as the "Crown of Creation", an embodiment of God's beauty, mystery and vulnerability. The concept of woman as the "Crown of Creation" has become the subject of much controversy surrounding the book, critics claiming that it exalts women above men in the Creation.

The book rejects the idea of an ideal woman and explores biblical scripture from the view that God desires woman to embrace her glory, rather than fear her femininity. Captivating is a companion to Wild at Heart
Wild at Heart (book)
Wild at Heart is a book by John Eldredge published in 2001, on the subject of the role of masculinity in contemporary evangelical Christian culture and doctrine. Its subtitle is: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul...

, also by John Eldredge, and argues that its model of femininity complements men's innate desires for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.

The authors use scriptural analysis, personal experience, and interviews with others as their basis for their argument. The book has received considerable criticism from people both within and outside of the Christian sphere. Many argue that the authors' personal experiences add too much bias to a book intended to address wide human conditions; many claim that the authors' scriptural analyses are incorrect.

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