Canton of Boos
The Canton of Boos is a canton situated in the Seine-Maritime
Seine-Maritime is a French department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France. It is situated on the northern coast of France, at the mouth of the Seine, and includes the cities of Rouen and Le Havre...

 département and in the Haute-Normandie
Upper Normandy is one of the 27 regions of France. It was created in 1984 from two départements: Seine-Maritime and Eure, when Normandy was divided into Lower Normandy and Upper Normandy. This division continues to provoke controversy, and some continue to call for reuniting the two regions...

 region of northern France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...



An area of farming and light industry
Light industry
Light industry is usually less capital intensive than heavy industry, and is more consumer-oriented than business-oriented...

 in the arrondissement of Rouen
Arrondissement of Rouen
The Arrondissement of Rouen is one of 342 arrondissements of France, located in the Seine-Maritime département, in the Haute-Normandie région...

, centred on the town of Boos
Boos, Seine-Maritime
Boos is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A farming and light industrial town situated some south of Rouen at the junction of the D6014, D491 and the D138 roads...

. The altitude varies from 2m (Les Authieux-sur-le-Port-Saint-Ouen
Les Authieux-sur-le-Port-Saint-Ouen
Les Authieux-sur-le-Port-Saint-Ouen is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:...

) to 162m (Le Mesnil-Esnard
Le Mesnil-Esnard
-External links:* *...

) with an average altitude of 142m.


The Canton of Boos comprises 15 communes and a total of 35,567 inhabitants (census of 1999, without double counting).
| Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie
-Places of interest:* The church of St.Remi, dating from the early 20th century.* The mairie, built in 1884.* The Lacoste public park.-External links:* *...

 || align="right" | 2869 || align="right" | 76920 || align="right" | 76005
| Les Authieux-sur-le-Port-Saint-Ouen
Les Authieux-sur-le-Port-Saint-Ouen
Les Authieux-sur-le-Port-Saint-Ouen is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:...

 || align="right" | 1174 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76039
| Belbeuf
Belbeuf is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A small town of forestry, farming and a little light industry situated by the banks of the Seine, some south of Rouen at the junction of the D6015 and the D7 roads.-Population:-Places...

 || align="right" | 2032 || align="right" | 76240 || align="right" | 76069
| Bonsecours
Bonsecours is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A southern residential suburb of Rouen situated at the junction of the D6014, D6105 and the D95 roads...

 || align="right" | 6853 || align="right" | 76240 || align="right" | 76103
| Boos
Boos, Seine-Maritime
Boos is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A farming and light industrial town situated some south of Rouen at the junction of the D6014, D491 and the D138 roads...

|| align="right" | 2870 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76116
| Fresne-le-Plan
Fresne-le-Plan is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A farming village situated on the border with the department of Eure, some east of Rouen, at the junction of the D13 and the D42 roads....

 || align="right" | 456 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76285
| Gouy
Gouy, Seine-Maritime
-Population:-Places of interest:* The church of St.Pierre and Paul, dating from the twelfth century.* Prehistoric finds in caves and graves by the Seine.-External links:* *...

 || align="right" | 794 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76313
| Le Mesnil-Esnard
Le Mesnil-Esnard
-External links:* *...

 || align="right" | 6486 || align="right" | 76240 || align="right" | 76429
| Mesnil-Raoul
Mesnil-Raoul is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A farming village, situated by the border with the department of Eure, some southeast of Rouen at the junction of the D13, D294 and the D6014 roads.-Population:-Places of...

 || align="right" | 725 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76434
| Montmain
Montmain, Seine-Maritime
Montmain is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.-Geography:A village of forestry and farming situated in the Roumois, some southeast of Rouen at the junction of the D42 and the D491 roads....

 || align="right" | 1416 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76448
| La Neuville-Chant-d'Oisel
La Neuville-Chant-d'Oisel
-Places of interest:* A memorial to cyclist Jacques Anquetil, who lived here.* The church of Notre-Dame, dating from the thirteenth century.* A chapel dating from the sixteenth century at St.Augustin.* Two châteaux, at Neuville and at Chant-d'Oisel....

 || align="right" | 1751 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76464
| Franqueville-Saint-Pierre
-Population:-Places of interest:* The twentieth century ’hotel de ville’ , built by Richard et Schoeller.* The church of St.Pierre,dating from the seventeenth century.* The church of Notre-Dame,dating from the eleventh century....

 || align="right" | 5099 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76475
| Quévreville-la-Poterie
-Population:-Places of interest:* The church of Notre-Dame, dating from the eleventh century.* A medieval manorhouse.-External links:*...

 || align="right" | 987 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76514
| Saint-Aubin-Celloville
-Population:-Places of interest:* The church of St. Aubin, dating from the eleventh century.* The church of St. Pierre, dating from the seventeenth century.* A seventeenth century stone cross.* The Château d'Incarville.-External links:*...

 || align="right" | 1015 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76558
| Ymare
-Places of interest:* The church of St. Aubin and St. Anne, dating from the seventeenth century.* A seventeenth-century stone cross.* An old dovecote.-External links:* *...

 || align="right" | 1040 || align="right" | 76520 || align="right" | 76753

See also

  • Seine-Maritime
    Seine-Maritime is a French department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France. It is situated on the northern coast of France, at the mouth of the Seine, and includes the cities of Rouen and Le Havre...

  • Arrondissements of the Seine-Maritime department
  • Cantons of the Seine-Maritime department
  • Communes of the Seine-Maritime department
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