Cami Dalton
Cami Dalton is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

An author is broadly defined as "the person who originates or gives existence to anything" and that authorship determines responsibility for what is created. Narrowly defined, an author is the originator of any written work.-Legal significance:...

 of contemporary romance novels. Dalton's debut novel
Debut novel
A debut novel is the first novel an author publishes. Debut novels are the author's first opportunity to make an impact on the publishing industry, and thus the success or failure of a debut novel can affect the ability of the author to publish in the future...

, Her Private Dancer, was published by Harlequiin's
Harlequin Enterprises Ltd
Harlequin Enterprises Limited is a Toronto, Ontario-based company that is a publisher of series romance and women's fiction. Owned by the Torstar Corporation, the largest newspaper publisher in Canada, the company publishes approximately 120 new titles each month in 29 different languages in 107...

 Temptation line of category romances in April 2004. In a review of the novel, Romantic Times remarked on the "sizzling sensuality and strong writing" of Dalton's novel, while The Road to Romance described the book as having "an exciting storyline, endearing and charming characters, laugh out loud scenarios and pure romance from the heart." Dalton was a finalist for the 2004 Reviewers International Organization Award for Debut Romance and was nominated by Romantic Times BookReviews for Best First Series Romance.

Cami's second book, published by Harlequiin's
Harlequin Enterprises Ltd
Harlequin Enterprises Limited is a Toronto, Ontario-based company that is a publisher of series romance and women's fiction. Owned by the Torstar Corporation, the largest newspaper publisher in Canada, the company publishes approximately 120 new titles each month in 29 different languages in 107...

 Blaze line, is called Pleasure to the Max! and is set to be released on August 1, 2008. In early 2008, Cami signed a three book deal with Harlequiin
Harlequin Enterprises Ltd
Harlequin Enterprises Limited is a Toronto, Ontario-based company that is a publisher of series romance and women's fiction. Owned by the Torstar Corporation, the largest newspaper publisher in Canada, the company publishes approximately 120 new titles each month in 29 different languages in 107...

to follow up her first two books.

External links

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