Burqavaganza is a controversial satirical play about the burqa
A burqa is an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic religion to cover their bodies in public places. The burqa is usually understood to be the woman's loose body-covering , plus the head-covering , plus the face-veil .-Etymology:A speculative and unattested etymology...

worn by conservative Muslim women, staged in Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...

 in 2010 by the Ajoka theater company.

Ajoka Theatre

Ajoka Theatre is a drama group founded by playwright Madeeha Gauhar, with the goal of producing "socially meaningful theatre about women's issues and Sufi ideas."


Burkavaganza has received criticism with conservative members of the society for being blasphemous. Madeeha Gauhar, with the Ajoka Theater group, stated in an interview with BBC that "the play is not designed to offend Islam or any other religion". For some, "Burqavaganza" is a funny love story in the time of jihad. For others, it mocks Islam. Burqavaganza play has successfully brought Ajoka into the limelight because of its highly controversial theme.

Government ban on the play

The government's ban on the play highlighted Pakistan's liberal-conservative divide. The ban was viewed by some commentators as an act of appeasement towards religious extremists by a government that was otherwise keen to promote a liberal ethos in the country.

A senior official at the Ministry of Culture said the play “pollutes young minds” and “should not be shown anywhere in Pakistan.” The Senate’s cultural committee concluded a venomous debate by issuing a recommendation that “plays not hurt the feelings of anyone.”

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