Buried Alive (book)
Buried Alive: The Elements of Love is a young adult book of poetry by Ralph Fletcher
Ralph Fletcher
Ralph Fletcher is a writer of children's picture books, young-adult fiction and poetry as well as an educational consultant who has also written books for both children and professional educators on the craft of writing.-Biography:...

, with photographs by Andrew Moore. It was first published in 1996
1996 in poetry
Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature .-Events:* National Poetry Month was established by the Academy of American Poets in April 1996 as way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States.* The movie Dead Man, written and...



This book is a collection thirty six free verse
Free verse
Free verse is a form of poetry that refrains from consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern.Poets have explained that free verse, despite its freedom, is not free. Free Verse displays some elements of form...

 poems about teenage love divided into four elements: earth, water, air and fire.


Marjorie Lewis in her review for School Library Journal
School Library Journal
The School Library Journal is a monthly magazine with articles and reviews for school librarians, media specialists, and public librarians who work with young people. Articles cover a wide variety of topics, with a focus on technology and multimedia. Reviews are included for preschool to 4th grade,...

 said that "the poetry, the inviting pages, the metaphor of the arrangement, the romantic situations and the mysterious photo-collages is, in its complexity, a step above the works of Mel Glenn and Gary Soto
Gary Soto
Gary Soto is a Mexican-American author and poet.Mexican-American parents Manuel and Angie Soto . In his youth, he worked in the fields of the San Joaquin Valley and in factories in Fresno. Gary's father died in 1957, when he was just five years old...

. Joan B. Elliott and Mary M. Dupuis recommended this book for use in the classroom in their book Young Adult Literature in the Classroom.
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