The Boardgamer was a magazine founded by Bruce Monnin after Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill was a game company that specialized in wargames and strategic board games. Its logo contained its initials "AH", and it was often referred to by this abbreviation. It also published the occasional miniature wargaming rules, role-playing game, and had a popular line of sports simulations...

 was bought out by Hasbro
Hasbro is a multinational toy and boardgame company from the United States of America. It is one of the largest toy makers in the world. The corporate headquarters is located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, United States...

 and the future of their board games was in doubt. The intention was to continue support for Avalon Hill products in the same way The General
The General Magazine
The General Magazine was first published in 1964, as a bi-monthly periodical devoted to supporting Avalon Hill's line of wargames, with articles on game tactics, history, and industry news...

had, as well as (according to Monnin in issue 46 of Operations Magazine
Operations Magazine
Operations Magazine provides Multi-Man Publishing with its own "house organ" for articles and discussion of its wargaming products. The first issue was produced in the summer of 1991 by The Gamers and was printed regularly until The Gamers were taken over by MMP...

), any games contested at the World Boardgaming Championships.

The Boardgamer never achieved high circulation and boasted only 200 subscribers although it did manage to survive for nine years. The magazine also lacked color and professional graphics. Monnin went on to become editor of Operations beginning with the Fall 2004 edition (issue 46). The stated aim of Multi-Man Publishing
Multi-Man Publishing
Multi-Man Publishing, LLC is a game company formed by baseball player Curt Schilling and his partners to keep the game series Advanced Squad Leader in print. MMP operates some of the former Avalon Hill games under license from Hasbro, Inc...

was to have Operations be their line of games like The General was Avalon Hill's line of products.
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