Bezy's night lizard
Bezy's night lizard, Xantusia bezyi, is a small, smooth-skinned gray-brown to yellow-brown night lizard found in desert highlands and pine woodlands of central Arizona
Arizona ; is a state located in the southwestern region of the United States. It is also part of the western United States and the mountain west. The capital and largest city is Phoenix...

. This night lizard
Night lizard
Night lizards are a group of very small, viviparous lizards, averaging from less than 4 cm to over 12 cm long. The family has only three genera, with approximately 23 living species...

 measures 1.5 to 2.75 in (3.8 to 7 ) from its nose to its vent. It has a flattened head and dark splotches on its back. The eyes lack eyelids and have vertical, linear pupils. This lizard's diet consists of spiders and insects. It is mostly diurnal. Bezy's night lizard is named after noted herpetologist Robert L. Bezy.
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