Bernardino II da Polenta
Bernardino II da Polenta was lord of Ravenna
Ravenna is the capital city of the Province of Ravenna in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy and the second largest comune in Italy by land area, although, at , it is little more than half the size of the largest comune, Rome...

, Italy
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

 from 1389 to 1400. He was the son of Guido III da Polenta
Guido III da Polenta
Guido III da Polenta was a lord of Ravenna, Italy and a member of the da Polenta family.He peacefully held the city's government for 30 years after the death of his father, Bernardino I. Guido married the daughter of Obizzo III d'Este of Ferrara, Elisa d'Este, who gave him numerous children...

, grandson of Bernardino I
Bernardino I da Polenta
Bernardino I da Polenta was lord of Ravenna and Cervia from 1346 until his death.He was the son of Ostasio I da Polenta. In 1346 he inherited the family lordships together with his brothers Pandolfo and Lamberto II...

 and a member of the da Polenta family
Da Polenta family
The Da Polenta, or Polentani, were an old noble Italian family whose name derives from the Castle of Polenta near Bertinoro in Romagna.The founder of the house is said to have been Guido, surnamed l'Antico or the Elder, who wielded great authority in Ravenna in the 13th century...

. Bernardino's mother was Elisa d'Este, the daughter of Obizzo III d'Este
Obizzo III d'Este
Obizzo III d'Este was the marquess of Ferrara from 1317 until his death.He was the son of Aldobrandino II d'Este and Alda Rangoni....

 of Ferrara
Ferrara is a city and comune in Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy, capital city of the Province of Ferrara. It is situated 50 km north-northeast of Bologna, on the Po di Volano, a branch channel of the main stream of the Po River, located 5 km north...

, who gave him numerous children. In 1389, Bernardino and his brothers, Ostasio
Ostasio II da Polenta
-Biography:Ostasio was the son of Guido III da Polenta, lord of Ravenna.He served under the Angevines in 1382. Four years later he fought at the orders of his brother-in-law, Antonio della Scala, lord of Verona, against Francesco da Carrara of Padua...

, Obizzo
Obizzo da Polenta
Obizzo da Polenta was a lord of Ravenna of the da Polenta family.Obizzo and his brothers had their father Guido III da Polenta imprisoned in 1389...

, Aldobrandino
Aldobrandino da Polenta
Aldobrandino da Polenta was the a lord of Ravenna of the da Polenta family.He was the son of Guido III da Polenta: Aldobrandino and his brothers imprisoned him in 1389 to seize the power in the city. When Aldobrandino died in 1406, the last surviving brother, Obizzo, inherited the sole rule in...

, Azzo and Pietro imprisoned their father and ruled Ravenna. The brothers died in quick succession; allegedly Bernardino was poisoned by his brother Obizzo.
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